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Alphonso's POV:

The girl was absolutely beautiful now that she was in the light. Her smooth chocolate skin glowed brilliantly from the suns rays. Her hair was straight and swished back and forth effortlessly whenever she moved. It was sort of hypnotic. Then there were her eyes; deep dark brown orbs that could show you the world and more.

She was beautiful... and mine.

Although gorgeous, she took a turn for the worst when she stared at all of us with a crazed look. "I-I.." she stuttered.

"What's the matter?" I said, giving her one of my many breath taking smiles. However, it didnt look as if it worked because instead of falling for it, as many women do, she slowly started backing away. "I-I'm s-sorry, but I'll be right back with someone who will be able to assist the police." she said, the last part whispered.

"Hahaha, good one." Rèmy said as he tipped his glass of water in her direction. Ignoring him, I decided to make my power known. "Ah, ah, ah, Avalon. Where do you think you're going? You haven't even served us yet. What ever happened to your country's great customer service, hmm?" I said with a smirk.

"Don't tell me she's afraid of foreigners." Rèmy said with a surprised tone. Does this guy ever take things seriously? I mean come on, Im trying to be frightening here. Turning my head, I sent him a glare that basically told him to shut the fuck up. However, Rèmy, like always, didn't seem to get the message because he gave me a silly 'glare' of his own.

Not wasting anymore time on the fool, I turned my attention back to the wide eyed angel. "L-look, I-I'm not trying to be rude. But as of lately I haven't been feeling well and being the thoughtful person that I am I don't want to deprive you all of great service. So.... I'll just be going now." she said before walking briskly toward the cafe's kitchen.


"I'm on it." he said as he stood up from the table and walked casually out of the cafe.

Avalon's POV:

'OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! Why did they have to be here of all places. Damnit! I knew i shouldn't have come today.' I mentally screamed as i hurriedly walked into the kitchen.

"Rick. Rick!" I yelled out his name as I searched the kitchen. The place was bustling with cooks and the like so I told one of the kitchen staff members to tell him that I have to leave early. With all that said, I took off my apron, got my keys and ran towards the exit at the back of the cafe. "Jesus take the wheel." I whispered. Thrusting the door opened, the last thing I remembered seeing were the familiar piercing grey eyes of a gorgeous man.

Rafael's POV:

After I hit her on the pressure point behind her neck, I caught her before she could fall. Picking her up bridal style, I treked back to the car I parked behind the cafe.

She was small compared to me. She stood about 5'8 to my 6'5, but the characteristics that stood out the most was that she was beautiful, fragile, and innocent. Qualities that would turn for the worst if she were to ever be associated with us.

I knew that the boss fancied the girl, but he needs to be aware of the trouble he'll be putting her in and the consequences that will surely result. I guess I have to tell him later.

Opening the car door, I carefully placed her in a sitting position in the back seat and secured the seat belt around her. Once done, I whipped out my phone to inform the boss that she was secured in code. "Alpha, the Luna awaits your arrival." I said when he picked up on the first ring. "Understood, we'll be there in a minute. Right now, the idiot Gamma (Rèmy) has ordered a meal for the wolves and won't leave until its delivered." he said with bit of irritation laced in his voice.

"As expected from the moron."I replied before I hung up.

Since I have time to spare I guess that I shall introduce myself. My name is Rafael Emilio Rizzolo. And no, I am not related by blood to the Rizzolo main family, its just that we take their last name in order to feel like we are truly one big family. My real surname, however, is Russo.

Alphonso and I have been friends since we were children because my father was Allessandro's best friend and right hand man. Yes, its past tense. My father died when I was 13. He was on a mission of some sort and was captured. Instead of giving up information like some coward he chose to be tortured to death.

I was bitter, depressed, and frustrated in that time of my youth. I had lost my mother by way of her giving me life and now I had lost the only parent figure I ever had. But before depression could consume me, Alphonso and his family saved me. In time, he became my brother and his parents became my parents as well. Even after my father's death, he lived like a fighter and died a hero.

Furthermore, I am 28 years old, with raven black hair and grey eyes. I am the serious type but I do welcome humor from time to time. Well, except from Rèmy. He usually manages to make frown most of the time.

'Knock! Knock!' came the sound of persistent tapping on the window. I turned my head to the side just to see Rèmy's face covering the window entirely. In truth, I think that there is something mentally wrong with the kid.

I touched a button inside the car that automatically opened all the doors. "Dang, Rafael. You must have been deep in thought if you didn't see us." he said as he slid in the passenger seat. "Not really, I just chose not to acknowledge your existence." I lied. He gave me the dumbest glare in the world before peering behind his seat to look at the girl. "Wow! I thought she was hot earlier but up close she's even better" he said whistling at the end.

"Yeah, well don't touch. She's the bosses." I said as I revved the car to life. "I know. I'm not that dumb enough to touch what's his." I wanted to say 'Are you sure?' but decided not to when everyone filed into the car.

"I got you your share Raf." Marcelo said when he got in the car. I gave him a nod through the mirror inside the car as I drove the car. However, not before I caught the satisfied glint radiating from Alphonso's eyes when he peered at the sleeping beauty.

Rizzolo Famiglia: You Hit Me, We Hit YouWhere stories live. Discover now