Golden Hour

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Franca's POV:

"STOP MOVING AROUND VICTOR!" Lisana shouted from inside our makeshift medical tent.

"No, I've gotta get back out there in case they need me...Hey, what are you doing?... Don't stick that thing in me...Wait, wait!! Stop!....."

"Lisana? Did you just sedate him?"

She came out of the tent and smiled sheepishly at me.


"I'll take that as a yes." I stretched my weak bones and turned around to look at her. "It's too quiet. Do you think that they're done in there?"

"Yep.They're probably on there way back right now as we speak with...what's her name again?"

"Her name is-" I started before Romeo interrupted me.

"FRANCA! Avalon needs your help!" He shouted. I turned around just in time to see Dante and him emerge from the thick trees with a pale, lifeless Avalon.

I gasped.

Romeo's arms, suit, and hands were coated in her blood. Tears welled up in my eyes. "My baby," I muffled with my hand over my mouth. I was appalled and shocked as I stayed rooted in my spot.

"Hurry and place her on that bed over there!" Yelled Lisana as she ran inside to get medical materials.

Romeo waisted no time in rushing inside, gently placing Avalon's limp body on the white bed, which instantly turned red from her blood. He then backed away as he let some of the medical staff attend to her. They ripped off her blood stained shirt and got to work.

"Place an oxygen mask on her and administer the oxygen at 15 liters/minute." Lisana ordered. "Place a 16 gauge intravenous catheter on her left forearm and begin an infusion of 0.9% sodium chloride solution." She paused for second before shouting, "Franca, I'm going to need you to snap out of it and help us!"

"Sorry," I sniffled as I made my way over to them. "It looks as if the bullet entered her body from the abdomen and made a clean exit through her right arm. Thankfully, it missed hitting her major organs and rupturing any important arterial veins. I can control the bleeding, but afterwards she'll need to be stitched up by you Lisana."

"Right. Her blood pressure is a little bit over the normal range of 120/80 and her heart rate is under as well. Franca, apply more pressure on the wound so that I can make a few more adjustments before sending her off to the nearest hospital. We need X-rays and all the other stuff we don't have here to make sure she makes a full recovery."

I nodded. "Is Dante still in here!?" I yelled as I applied pressure to Avalon's wounds.

"I'm still here Fran. What do you need?" He asked with anxiety laced in his voice.

"I need you to contact Rèmy or Ugo and tell them that we need a helicopter sent over here to fly Avalon to the nearest hospital right now!"

"Understood." He said as he whipped out his phone and dialed Rèmy's number.

"Alright Lisana I'm done over here!"

Alphonso's POV:

I rushed out of the vehicle as soon as I saw a medical helicopter touch the ground outside of the Epsilon division. Paramedics rushed inside of one of the divisions' tents and came back out hurriedly with Avalon strapped on in a gurney. Her pale complexion and lifeless appearance almost made me drop to the ground and break out in tears.


"Hey, what's wrong with her?! Where are they taking her!" I demanded as I got closer.

"Sir, she is being transported to a nearby hospital so that she can get better treatment than she can here. So far, we were successful in stopping the bleeding, but she will need a blood transfusion to make up for the amount that she's lost." Lisana reported.

"How is her condition? Which hospital is she being taken to?"

"She's stable at the time being, but I honestly don't know when she will wake up. Her body has undergone traumatic shock, which will take some time for her to make a full recovery. As for the hospital, she will be transported to Ospedale Santa Maria Nuova."

I sighed and thanked Lisana before I got inside of the helicopter and flew away.

Third Person POV:

"Listen up everyone." Florence began as he gazed at the men and women who were littered outside of the Epsilon divisions medical tents. "On behalf of Alphonso, I want to congratulate you all for displaying incredible acts of courage, bravery, strength, and devotion to this war. Because of your efforts, we have not lost a single member!" He cheered.

Everyone followed suit and cheered, some laughed, hugged, or simply stood tall and proud, grinning from ear to ear. "This calls for a huge celeberation!" They howled.

"Wait!" Catarina shouted as she pushed her way to the front of the crowd. Everyone quited down and peered at the elderly woman.

"What's the matter Catarina?" Florence asked.

"What happened to Avalon, and where is Alphonso?"

"They are being transported to a nearby hospital. I'm sorry, but I don't know of her condition."


"What is the name of the hospital?" Giovanni asked as he came up behind Catarina and held her.

"Ospedale Santa Maria Nuova."

Giovanni nodded. "Rizzolo Famiglia, let's go!"

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