In The Dog House

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Avalon's POV:

"Ahhh!" I screamed. I scooted to the farthest end of the bed so that I could get a good look at the person.

"ITS YOU!" I yelled, pointing my finger at him. "How many times do I have that I don't want any trouble?" My heart was beating wildly against my ribcage from the scare and I knew that I would pass out if the pounding didn't cease.

The man before me stood stock still and held a stoic expression on his face. He didn't seem to be startled at all by me practically screaming in his face. He just stood there and...stared.

He sighed. "Non averi potuto chiedere di una ragazza migliore. Così grintoso." (I couldn't have asked for a better girl. So feisty.) There was a smirk plastered on his face when he said that to her. He kicked off his shoes, loosened his tie, and joined Avalon on the large bed. He crept toward her, almost like a predator ready to pounce on its prey.

"S-stay back." Avalon stuttered. "I-I'm warning you." Her brown eyes glared dangerously into his green ones. She was moving towards the edge of the bed and when she was about to fall, the man swiftly grabbed her legs and pulled her body towards him. He then pinned both of her arms to the side and straddled her body to keep her still.

"Look at me, amare." He demanded with that sexy, dominating voice of his. When she refused, he jerked her chin up and repeated the same phrase. "Look at me, amare."

"Please, don't do this. I promise I won't tell anyone about what I saw, in fact, I'll act like it never happened. Just let me go-" she pleaded.

"Amare!" He yelled irritated.

She flinched, but decided to open her eyes so that she wouldn't make the man even more irritable. But what she saw, made her breath hitch. His eyes were so beautiful. The intensity and depth of them were drool worthy and could make anyone stop in their tracks from just a glimpse. She couldn't contain her fondness for the dazzling emeralds, "Whoa."

"Listen up and listen well. I will not be letting you go after all you've seen. You know too much and I refuse to let you walk away freely."

She instantly frowned at his statement.

"As for now, you shall be staying here. You will be watched twenty four seven so I expect you not to try anything funny while you are here. Do I make myself clear?" He asked, gazing into her eyes. He was hoping that she'd understand the situation she was in, but her response proved otherwise.

"I am not staying here. I already told you that I wouldn't say anything. This-" she said motioning to them, " is called kidnapping in my country. K-I-D-N-A-P-P-I-N-G! I don't know where you came from, but it's illegal. I-L-L-E-G-A-L. Do I make myself clear?"

He was shocked. No one, well besides his close friends and family, had ever spoken to him like that before. But this-this girl had said it without a hint of fear in her voice. He had to admit that this girl had spunk and that she was going to be the death of him if he didn't tame that sharp tongue of hers.

He chuckled. Moving his face closer to hers, he whispered, "That was so hot."

My face flushed and I instantly began to wiggle from his hold on me. "Get off of me, you pervert!"

"You won't be saying that for long. Anyways, get dressed. The shower is through that door." He jerked his head to the side. "Your new clothing will be placed on the bed and when your done I'll be here to escort you to our destination. You've got twenty-five minutes" He got off of me and hauled his body off of the bed. He headed towards a door I presumed led out of this ginormous room and just as he was about to open the door, I stopped him with some questions.

"Who are you?, Where am I?, and Where are we going?" I asked, fear dripping from every word.

"I assure you that I will answer your questions, but at a later time. What I can tell you is that you are in my home and that we are going to be late for dinner if you don't get yourself cleaned up." He gave me one last glance before he ripped the door open and left.

-25 minutes later-

Dressed and cleaned, I exited the bathroom and came face to face to the man that had smothered me moments before.

"Can I go now, please. I don't have the patience or time to get mixed in with your world. My job is to save people, not destroy them....I think it's best that we part ways and go back to doing what we do best. Agreed?" I begged, hoping that my remark would make him see reason and just let me get on with my life.

"Let's go," was his terse remark. He obviously declined my proposal.

'I guess that means I have to resort to Plan B: Escaping.' I thought. I refuse to be associated with criminals any longer for fear that their bad ways would rub on me. I had dreams to fulfill and goals to achieve; I will not let these mongrels get in my way.

Sighing, I followed the handsome man out of the room and down the hall. The hallway was absolutely beautiful and screamed expensive. There were various paintings that adorned the walls, each painted by various artists and so many rooms. At the end of the hallway were the stairs. They were built from marble and curved down to connect to the next floor.

In short, everything was beautiful and expensive.

"We are about to arrive to the dinning room and in their will be my men. I advise you to be respectful towards them because in my family respect is earned." He said disrupting the silence between us.

"I never asked to be here, you know." was all I could manage to say. I was getting nervous. I didn't want to meet or be near these criminals. With clammy hands I fisted my shirt and glanced at the man. "Why won't you just let me go?" Tears were forming and were on the verge of spilling, but with Herculean strength I managed to hold them at bay.

"That's something I just cannot do, darling. Don't worry, I assure you that they won't lay a finger on you, especially with me around." He said trying to comfort me.

"You can't expect me to trust what you say after all you've done."

"I know, but in time you will."

What did he mean by that? I wasn't planning on staying in this place for long.

We approached the end of another long hallway and stopped outside of a large door that I guessed was the dining hall. I could here loud chattering from the inside so I could tell that there was a lot of people in there. Sorry, let me rephrase that. I could tell that there were a lot of criminals in there!

"Ready?" He asked.

"It's not like in I have a choice."

"That's true." He said while shaking his head. I just scoffed and glared at him for saying that. Oh, just you wait. I'll be leaving this place really soon.

Opening the door, we both walked in...and all the chattering stopped. In front of me sat about fifty plus men and women looking in our direction. Well, mostly in mine.


Thanks for reading! Please comment and vote on this story. This is the first book I've ever written and I just want to know how you all feel about it.

With love, peace out.

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