On The Way

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Alphonso's POV:

"Rafael, is everything set?" I asked as I glared menacingly out the window of my office.

"Yes. Everyone is outside and on standby, Alphonso. We only await your command." He finished.

"Good." I all but spat as I turned around and retrieved my weapons. I placed about ten knives, three hand guns, and two grenades inside of my suit. When I was done, I glanced up only to see Rafael with a concerned look. I scrunched my eyebrows and asked, "What?"

"She's strong Alphonso. We'll get her back." He said reassuringly.

"I know that, I'm just worried if that bastard put his filthy hands on her, damn it! I should have been more careful!" I growled.

"We all should have been more careful, but the fact that we weren't got us into this mess. Now, we only have to learn from our mistakes and make sure we don't repeat them in the future."

"I knew that I should have killed Adriano at the ball. Well, I'll make sure that I don't make that mistake again. Anyways, let's go meet up with everyone else. I'm sure that they're waiting for us."

Rafael simply nodded before turning around and opening the door. We wandered down the hallways and stairs before we entered the mansions foyer. There, my family and the Benedetti family were talking amongst each other in a cordial manner.

"Well, well, if isn't Lorenzo the cockjuggling thundercunt. Long time no see." shouted Abel Benedetti from across the room. Lorenzo, having been talking with Romeo, turned around very slowly. He wore a frown on his face and a glare that promised death. "What the fuck do you want stiff-dick?"

Abel simply smiled as he crossed the short distance between them. "Honestly, I just want us to pick up from where we left off two years ago."

"Oh, so you want a rematch from when I kicked your ass at the ball, huh? Bring it on." Lorenzo said with a hint of amusement. In that moment, a small circle was formed around them and the onlookers placed their bets.

"I say Lorenzo will win." said a Rizzolo member. "Abel doesn't stand a chance."

"Are you blind? Abel clearly has much more muscle than the Rizzolo. Abel will win without a doubt." countered a Benedetti member.

Lorenzo and Abel approached one another face to face. As they were about to beat the living shit out of each other, the roar from Alphonso quickly stopped them. "WHAT IN THE HELL ARE YOU TWO DOING? Do you not realize that we are about to head out into battle, or are you both too stupid to grasp that?!" By the end of his rant, Alphonso was panting heavily.

"Calm down nephew. Save your energy for the battlefield." said Florence Benedetti, my uncle. Florence was my mother's only sibling. When she decided to get married to my father, she relinquished all of her inheritance of the Benedetti family's power and handed it over to her younger brother.

Florence has three children, two boys and one girl. There names are Rome, age 15, Venice, age 13, and Sicily, age 12. They're all a bunch of annoying brats, but even so, I still love them.

"Hello, uncle. I apologize, but right now I am not in a good mood."

"I understand." He said as he placed his hand on my shoulder. "Anyways, I come to tell you that the Romano's and Leonetti's are on the move. They are expecting us, Alphonso. All that we await for are your orders."

I nodded my head and looked down at the six hundred men littered around my mansion foyer. They were all standing at attention and alert, eagerly awaiting my command.

"I'll get straight to the point, ladies and gentlemen. In the next hour, you will be assigned to different groups which match your specialty. In these groups, two captains from both the Rizzolo and Benedetti family will be in charge to give you orders. All I ask for is that you all follow them exactly so that there will be little to no casualties.

Our mission is to retrieve a very important member of the family. Her name is Avalon Fiera and as of now, she is being held against her will in the hands of that bastard Adriano. I want her found, safe, and secured if any of you so happen to get to her before I do. If any one gets in your way, I trust that you know what to do.

Now, I will name the captains. Taking the eastern side of the home will be the Delta division consisting of Romeo and Donatello. Your job is to scope out the place and relay the information to the team that will be working right along side you. That team will be the Gamma division consisting of Lorenzo and Abel. Their job is to carry out the execution of roaming Leonetti and Romano men on the property. Afterwards Delta division, your job will simply be to assist them or other divisions that may be in need of men."

The captains of each team shook their heads in understanding. But internally, Lorenzo and Abel didn't like the arrangement.

"Moving on to the western side," Florence picked up. "Allessandro and myself will be in charge of the Beta division. Mostly, are job will simply be to infiltrate and destroy. We will be backed up by the Omega division which will consist of Arriane and Catarina."

The group gasped at the mention of Catarina and all heads turned in her direction. "What? I may look old to you but I'll never be too old to kick all of your asses." She said boldly. Murmuring went around the room. "They might just be the strongest team we have." someone whispered.

"Next," Alphonso started. "Will be the Kappa division consisting of Rèmy and Ugo. Your team will stay here and try and to hack into any surveillance cameras that the Leonetti's may have. By doing this, you will help relay information via ear piece to the captains on where any potential enemies are. Hopefully, you'll be able to find that bastard.

"From the entrance, or northern side, Alphonso and Rafael will be in charge. This Alpha division will create the first distraction. Once you hear the sound of gunfire this will be our cue to commence the operation. Seek, destroy, and rescue." Florence said.

"The Epsilon division will be are medical team. You will be stationed a little ways from the battlefront with security. Fran and Lisana will be in charge of that team while Marcelo will be in charge of the security." Alphonso declared. "Now, that you have your orders, I want the rest of you to pick the teams that best fit your specialty. Rememeber that each team must have equal members."

The men and women in the room shook their heads as they searched the room for their captains. Once found, some began to chatter amongst themselves with anticipation while others simply introduced themselves.

About thirty minutes later, Alphonso spoke again. "Now, let's move out!"


"If your enemy is secure at all points, be prepared for him. If he is in superior strength, evade him. If your opponent is temperamental, seek to irritate him. Pretend to be weak, that he may grow arrogant. If he is taking his ease, give him no rest. If his forces are united, separate them. If sovereign and subject are in accord, put division between them. Attack him where he is unprepared, appear where you are not expected."

-Sun Tzu, The Art of War.

Sorry for the wait! I had run out of ideas. Tell me what you think of the chapter? Was it Bad? Good? Anything!

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