Strange on the farm

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The guard dogs were out guarding when they smelled something coming from the barn.

They ran In and when they saw the bad guys they growled ready to attack them but wolf growls at them.

They growled back and piranha growls loudly in their faces, they got terrified and ran away.

"Mr bonzo and Fido?" Princess saw them coming out of the barn.

She ran inside to see the bad guys chilling and piranha trying to eat a chicken.

"Sorry about them they are the guards dogs" princess says.

"No problem at all sweetheart"

"And Please don't eat the chickens not unless you want Mrs tweety to find you" princess takes the chicken away.

"If you're gonna hide here we need to set some rules don't leave the barn during day time otherwise Mrs tweety will find you and turn you in, don't mess with the chickens"

"Alright whatever you say kiddy but tell me something what's a kid like you doing here, you do t belong here shouldn't you be with your dad" wolf asked.

Then princess made a upset look, "actually he left me when, he wanted to teach me the values of hard work it's like he always says: if you want to succeed you must work for it so he sent me to work on the farm"

"Seems kinda a lot for a kid what those your mom say about this?" Webs asked.

But princess had a worried look, "actually my mother died when I was born"

"Oh sorry to hear about that kid must be very hard for you" wolf says when everyone feels bad for her.

"It's not so bad, I love animals here"

But just then ginger comes in, "princess what are you-" and when she saw the bad guys she immediately panicked and grabs princess pulling her back.

"Ah! Hey back princess"

"No it's ok ginger they're just my friends, I'm just helping them hide"

"Princess are you crazy these are crooks"

"Please Ms ginger" princess begged.

"Ugh alright but only for you" then she turns to wolf glaring at him, "if you of anything to hurt her I will hurt you"

But they laugh, "am I being thereby a chicken" wolf teased.

But ginger pulls him to her face when she gabs his collar.

"No...that was a warning now you be careful with princess or else" she lets him go and storms off.

"Sheesh, touchy" wolf says.

"Don't mind her she's just protective of me at least someone here cares about me, now it's getting late I suggest you all get some sleep I have to get up early to do my chores, night"

After she left shark said: "you know this is a lot of work for a child"

"What the farmers can't do it themselves" snake added which gave wolf an idea.

Ginger went to find rocky, "Where is he?"

"They didn't give me this medal for being a Yank nanny"

"A simple "I don't know" would suffice"

"Beware of that one, young Ginger. That Yank is not to be trusted"

"That Yank is our ticket out of here"

"And the pig says to the horse, "Hey, fella, why the long face?" they all laugh.

"Oh, oh, look, look" he grabs a feather, "Oh. Cocktail!"
they all laugh.

THE BAD GUYS IN: chicken runWhere stories live. Discover now