Side Story#1: Outfit Swap The Hazbin Squad.

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It was 2 days after Alastor showed up at the hotel things were nice and everyone minus Charlie were in the foyer sitting on the couches and chairs waiting for her.

Azrael: "So Umm....Vaggie do you know why Charlie wanted us here."

Vaggie:" To be honest I was hoping you would know"

Angel Dust: "Maybe she wants to hand out mail I got some "toys" I ordered I've been wantin ta get my hands on"

Vaggie: "Gross."

Angel Dust: "Oh,Come on Toots you know you could get some ,could spice up the bed time with Az and Charlie.

Azrael and Vaggie both blushed bright red Azrael covered his face with his hands.

Just then Charlie showed up she holding up some boxes in her hands some other ones were being carried by Razzle and Dazzle

Charlie: "Hi Guys! Sorry I kept you waiting I just had to get some stuff for today.

Vaggie: "What's with the boxes hun?"

Charlie: "Well you guys know about the challenge that's going viral right?"

Azrael:" You mean the challenge where you and someone else swap clothes for a while?"

Charlie: "Exactly sweetie I've been thinking that we could do it all seven of us."

Angel Dust: "You know what? fuck it, let's do it.

Everyone got ready as Charlie handed Razzle her phone to record.

Dazzle then gave them the signal to begin.

First they tried Angel's Blazer, miniskirt and heels on.

First they tried Angel's Blazer, miniskirt and heels on

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Angel Dust: "Nice. Rockin' your boob window smiles❤️" The Spider demon said pointing at Alastor his lower left arm.

Alastor:" Excuse me... My WHAT now!?"

Azrael: "Umm... He said your boob window."

Azrael was using his arm to block his exposed chest He, Charlie, and Vaggie, were far too nervous and embarrassed due to Angel's clothes being slightly revealing. Charlie held the blazer close to her chest so her boobs wouldn't be exposed All three of the throuple were bright Red seeing the other two in such clothing. Azrael looked and and got an great view of Vaggie's chest and blushed. She blushed and smiled at him.

Nifty: "Why are all your faces red?"

Meanwhile Husk was struggling to keep balance on Angel's heels as they were quite hard to walk in. Azrael really didn't know how Angel walks in them day in and day out.

Husk:" How in the hell do you Gals walk on these bloody things!?"

Next they tried on Alastor's clothes which consists of his coat dress shirt dress slacks and some nice dress shoe

The Autistic❤️💜💙 Artist Demon  (Shy and Aspie male reader x  Hazbin Hotel Harem)Where stories live. Discover now