Chapter 1

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Alicia's P.O.V
I rose from my bed, and a gasp escaped my lips, my chest heaving as I struggled for breath.

I'm... alive? But how?

Confusion clouded my mind as I scanned my surroundings, the familiarity of my room sinking in with a jolt of disbelief.

Running trembling fingers over my neck, I half-expected to encounter the cruel indentation of a guillotine's blade, but there was nothing. There is no mark, no trace of the grim fate I had anticipated.

I murmured in a haze of confusion, "Was it just a dream?" My voice was barely above a whisper, lost in the tumult of my thoughts.

Frustration knotted my brow as I ran my fingers through my hair, seeking solace in the tangible sensation.

"But why does it feel so real?" I murmured as if hoping that verbalizing my bewilderment would somehow offer clarity.

A gentle knock on the door jolted me from contemplation, pulling me back from the murky depths of my thoughts. "Lady Alicia, it is time for your bath. May I come in to prepare your bath, my lady?" The familiar voice pierced through the fog of my mind, drawing me back to the present moment.

"Yes, you may." I managed to reply, though my voice carried the weight of uncertainty.

As the door creaked open, revealing the figure of my personal servant, Savannah, a rush of conflicting emotions flooded my senses. Tears welled in my eyes as I beheld her, alive and whole before me. In that fleeting instant, memories surged forth, vivid and raw—a chilling tableau of her lifeless form, bathed in crimson.

"Savannah!" My voice trembled with a mixture of joy and disbelief, a surge of relief coursing through my veins.

"My—my lady?" Her confusion mirrored my own, uncertainty etched in every line of her features.

I slowly rose from my bed, and my trembling hands reached out towards Savannah, who stood before me. The touch of her warm cheeks sent a wave of relief through me, tears streaming down my face. She was truly alive.

"Is this... a dream?" I managed to ask, a smile breaking through my tear-streaked visage.

"I... I'm sure this is not a dream, my lady," she replied, her expression still clouded with confusion.

Savannah, my most loyal companion, even in just 3 years, proved her loyalty to me. She was more than just a servant. She was my confidante, my rock, my dearest friend.

"My lady, are you alright? Did you perhaps have a nightmare about me that you reacted this way?" she inquired, her worry evident in her furrowed brow and searching gaze.

With a sly smile, I embraced her tightly. "I... I just missed you."

A gentle acceptance of my hug followed her gasp of surprise. She patted my back soothingly, offering comfort as only she could. "It's okay, my lady. I will never leave you," she assured me, her voice soft and reassuring.

Her words washed over me, igniting a fresh wave of emotion. I held her tighter, tears flowing freely from my eyes as I sought solace in her embrace.

(A/N: Greetings! If you've found your way to this story, please know how grateful I am. If the story resonates with you, don't hesitate to vote for each chapter and share your thoughts in the comments. I'm truly delighted to share this story with all of you! Your support means the world and keeps me inspired to continue. I hope you enjoy it! 😊)

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