Chapter 2

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Savannah's P.O.V.

As the cold morning air filled my lungs, I couldn't help but muster a faint smile. Another day awaited, another chance to serve my lady with diligence and care. With a determined sigh, I set about my morning tasks, preparing for the day ahead.

Lady Alicia, the embodiment of grace and wisdom, was the beacon of my world. Her serene demeanor and sharp intellect commanded my utmost admiration. I considered myself blessed to have crossed paths with her three years ago, for she had rescued me from the clutches of despair and hardship.

But the memory of my tumultuous past lingered, like a shadow cast upon my present.

3 years ago...

In the halls of Baron Lazar's estate, I was but a mere maid, tasked with serving Lady Rubé Lazar, a woman whose cruelty knew no bounds after her previous attendant fled from her cruelty. Each day was a trial, enduring her scorn and maltreatment, all while harboring the weight of familial responsibilities upon my shoulders.

One particular morning stands out in my memory—a morning marred by the scalding sting of hot tea against my feet, courtesy of Lady Lazar's careless wrath. "The tea is too sweet," she sneered, her words dripping with disdain. "Why are lowly peasants like you so useless?"

I swallowed back the tears that threatened to spill, my gaze fixed firmly upon the ground, forbidden to meet the eyes of my oppressor. For I had no choice but to endure her abuse, my meager wages the only lifeline for my ailing brother's medical needs.

But even in the depths of my despair, a glimmer of hope flickered—a beacon of light in the darkness. For it was in that moment of anguish that fate intervened, in the form of Lady Alicia, my savior and protector.

With a gentle yet firm hand, she stayed Lady Lazar's impending blow, though I was not able to hear what Lady Alicia was saying, her voice a soothing balm to my wounded spirit. In her presence, I found solace and strength, a renewed sense of purpose blossoming within me.

And so, as I faced the dawn of a new day, I carried with me the memory of that fateful encounter—the moment when Lady Alicia became not only my mistress but my knight in shining armor, guiding me out of the darkness and into the light of a brighter tomorrow.

In the present...

In the quiet stillness of the morning, I found myself standing before Lady Alicia's chamber door, a sense of anticipation coursing through me. With a soft knock, I announced my presence, ready to attend to her needs.

"Lady Alicia, it's time for your bath. May I enter to prepare it for you?" I inquired respectfully, mindful of her possible state of wakefulness.

Her response was hesitant. "Yes, you may," she said, her voice betraying a hint of uncertainty.

Entering her room with caution, I offered a polite bow of greeting. But before I could utter another word, she spoke my name, her voice trembling with disbelief.


Caught off guard by her tone, I stood there, a mixture of puzzlement and concern clouding my thoughts.

"My... My lady" I called softly as I noticed her trembling form. Her gaze met mine, filled with disbelief and something else, something I couldn't quite decipher. It was as if she'd seen a ghost, and that ghost was me. Her trembling hands reached out to me, tears streaming down her face.

"Is this... a dream?" she asked, a fragile smile breaking through her tears.

The shock of her demeanor left me speechless. "I... I'm sure this is not a dream, my lady," I managed to reply, my heart pounding with worry.

Her distress was palpable, and I couldn't help but worry about her well-being. "My lady, are you alright? Did you perhaps have a nightmare about me that you reacted this way?" I asked, searching for any explanation for her reaction. Perhaps she had dreamt of my demise, a thought that sent a shiver down my spine.

Then, another unsettling possibility crossed my mind. Could she have overheard the conversation between the Marquess and me? The talk of her future as a crown princess, my role by her side—it was all too much to bear.

The Marquess had instructed me to pursue further education, preparing me to serve Lady Alicia in her potential role as a crown princess candidate. While I accepted the directive, I declined any suggestion of being sent elsewhere. Instead, I expressed my preference to pursue self-directed learning and proposed a monthly examination regimen to the Marquess or any designated authority.

My loyalty firmly anchored to Lady Alicia, I couldn't bear the thought of being separated from her, especially in light of her burgeoning candidacy. Trust was a scarce commodity, and I resolved to remain by her side, safeguarding her interests with unwavering vigilance.

"I will never leave you, my lady," I murmured softly, overwhelmed with gratitude for the opportunity to serve her. In her, I had found not only a mistress but a benefactor and a friend, and I was determined to repay her boundless generosity with unwavering loyalty and dedication.

(A/N: Greetings! If you've found your way to this story, please know how grateful I am. If the story resonates with you, don't hesitate to vote for each chapter and share your thoughts in the comments. I'm truly delighted to share this story with all of you! Your support means the world and keeps me inspired to continue. I hope you enjoy it! 😊)

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