Chapter 5

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Alicia's P.O.V.

"Lady de Monreal, greetings to his royal highness," she said, approaching us with a smile.

As she lifted her head, her gaze fell upon the prince. "The Second Prince of the Marivallia Kingdom, Prince Cyril Tudor," Lady Raize added.

I smiled at her presence, but a flicker of disappointment crossed her eyes. Puzzled, I followed her gaze, which remained fixed on Prince Cyril.

Confusion gripped me as I noticed him staring at me intently. He sighed heavily as he settled at our table.

Savannah gracefully excused herself from her seat, acknowledging his presence by moving to the servants' quarters.

I blinked in surprise, trying to piece together what had just transpired.

"Lady de Monreal, please, take a seat," Lady Raize said with a gentle smile.

A gentle smile... My mind froze as memories from my past life flooded back. My expression darkened as I recalled her smile before she drank the wine I had handed her at the Triumphal Feast of the Kingdom. Within moments, she was gasping for breath, blood staining her lips.

Lady Raize, the embodiment of charm and the kingdom's sunshine has been my closest friend since childhood. Known for her kindness, warmth, gentleness, and unparalleled beauty, she effortlessly brightens the mood of everyone around her with her radiant smile. With her golden locks, fair complexion, sapphire eyes, and rosy cheeks, complemented by her lovely lips, she captivates all who meet her.

As I observed her chatting with the second prince, her sincerity shone through in every smile and gesture. Despite the prince's passive demeanor, Lady Raize's genuine warmth never wavered.

I shifted my gaze to my tea, lost in my thoughts as I cradled the delicate teacup in my hands.

The events of that day were etched vividly in my mind.


"Your Highness," I greeted, bowing respectfully to my husband, the crown prince of Marivallia, Prince Elroy Tudor.

His gaze was ice cold, filled with disdain and hatred. "So, a useless mannequin decided to grace the Banquet?" he sneered. "How can a crown princess like you contribute nothing during the war yet dare to join us?" He paused, facing me with contempt. Gripping my head harshly, he continued, "You're nothing but a doll adorning the crown princess's fashion!" His voice dripped with loathing as he roughly pushed my face away.

Tears welled in my eyes, but I held them back.

He was oblivious. Unaware of my pivotal role in our victories. Ignoring my counsel, I took matters into my own hands. I orchestrated the survival of our kingdom through winter and managed our dwindling supplies during the war's darkest days. When I could no longer bear our people's suffering, I made a choice. I became a spy, befriending the Ignis Kingdom's general, and their sorcerer, and outwitting them to sabotage their final, bloody attack.

Preferring to operate from the shadows, I allowed him to revel in the limelight. With a friendly smile and a flourish of his wine glass, he appeared to relish the moment and the adulation showered upon him. Yet, I could discern the falseness behind his smile, knowing he was merely playing a part. Despite his apparent enjoyment, he avoided meeting my gaze, perhaps sensing the presence of an unknown benefactor but unable to identify them. Prideful and unwilling to acknowledge assistance that wasn't his own, he chose to let others believe his success was solely his doing.

Restless with uncertainty, he scanned the room, searching for clues to the identity of his unseen ally.

Seated quietly beside him, I listened to the chatter around us, my expression composed and attentive.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12 ⏰

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