Chapter 24

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Third Person POV

In true Percy fashion, he waited til the last day to complete his final task. He glared at Kampê as she stared back at him.

He didn't feel like a fight and he wanted to end this as quickly as he could.

He decided to put his title as God of Liquids to use and gain control of her poison. Looking at the poison flowing through her weapon and her scales he commanded it to stop and it did. The tail swung dangerously but the poison wasn't flying everywhere. Percy would just have to be careful of the places it was already on the ground.

Percy had been tracking Kampê when she somehow caught him first. Luckily for him, he was near a water source.

Uncapping Riptide, Percy darted forward as fast as he could and slashed at her tail. He was able to make a deepish cut which made her roar in pain and anger.

Percy let go of his control over the poison and commanded it to cover Kampê wound. She shrieked in pain and convulsed dangerously. Unfortunately, she was too old to die from just that.

Taking a deep breath, Percy grabbed a hold of Kampê's blood and made her freeze. In the past few months, he had been working on a new poison to put on weapons that make killing monsters easier. There couldn't be a better time to try than now.

With that in mind, Percy commanded Kampê's blood components to change into his new poison. She again convulsed and screamed in pain.

"I'm sorry. But I have to do this for my family," he said before slashing any and everywhere he could.

Soon enough she burst into golden dust. Percy sighed and was about to walk away from the dust when he slipped on his spoil of war, Kampê's scimitars. Percy groaned as the air was knocked out of him. He carefully got up but panicked when he felt a sticky substance coming from the side of his back. He reached back carefully and groaned again when he realized that the poison found its way into the wound Kampê made when she ambushed him.

Percy pulled the poison from the wound and sighed in relief. Carefully, he picked up the scimitars and then flashed to his room. He put them in a box that had his other spoils and decided to take a nap.

Percy dreamed he was back by the Styx. Styx looked at him and smiled.

"Congrats young hero, you have completed your tasks and we have completed ours. I will let the gods know about the law, oath, and punishment for breaking their oaths."

Percy bowed, "Thank you milady."

Percy woke up and groaned when his body seemed to disagree. He frowned when he realized that there was poison still in his body. He tried to extract it but, just his luck, it seemed everything he'd done the past month finally caught up to him.

Percy panicked as he felt himself getting weaker. "SCHIST!"

Percy gasped in pain before beginning to lose consciousness.



Apollo was bored. Everyone seemed to be doing something and had finished his duties and visited his children til they asked him to leave. He smirked thinking of how his children were upset he had "corrupted" their baby sister.


Apollo frowned. He could have sworn that he was alone. He headed upstairs, something told him to check Percy's room so he did.

He found his baby cousin on the bed and bleeding. What freaked him out more than anything was the fact that his ichor was mixed with blood.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20 ⏰

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