Hiya (Not part of story skip if you want)

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Content-Update schedule, chapter update, my potential excuses, other WIP, random idea for a story, motivation,

Update schedule:                                                                                                           Ok so I said I was going to do this every monday and I will try to stick to that as much as possible but my mental and physical health are a bit much atm so I don't know if I will be able to conjure motivation to write every week. If I miss the monday but complete the chapter later in the week i won't wait till monday to release it, unless its satuday-sunday then I'll just wait. Thankyou for your understanding <3

My potential excuses:                                                                                                 As you may or may not know I have chronic joint pain so sometimes my fingers get too painful to write so if that happens it will interrupt my writing flow. Or I might get stuck on how to write the chapter or the content of the chapter. As well life can get hectic so sometimes I just won't have time but writing on the weekend seems to be working out so far.

Other WIP:                                                                                                                        For those who don't know, a WIP is a work in progress so this is concerning the other story I have on my profile. Its called 'An evening wasted (a comprehensive guide to Greek myths by me' title somewhat stolen from 'An evening wasted with Tom Lehrer'. This is a little bit of self promotion because why not. Its pretty much what the title says- me retelling famous myths and stories in a hopefully entertaining way. I've done Oedipus Rex, Helen of troy and the golden apple. Next chapter is about Paris of troy then Iphigenia and then the Iliad. Eventually I will cover all the myths I know. This one won't have an updating schedule cause its pretty much self indulgent rather than a proper story. So it won't interrupt this ones schedule cause that's just anytime I feel like writing it. Each chapter can be read standalone so you can cherry pick or read them all. My self promotion is over. 

Random story idea:                                                                                                            I decided it could be fun to write a 'lovers to strangers' story I have a basic idea but haven't expanded yet. The idea is to write down the failure of a high-school sweetheart relationship so growing up and having different life goals etc. I have names picked out Coraline (Carrie for short cause its cute) and a dude called Jesse (Every time I see a Jesse in media he's a little emo boy and maybe he will be idk yet). Have never written a straight relationship before or more specifically one with a man in, so that could be fun. If anyone would be interested in reading something like that let me know <3

 Motivation:                                                                                                                           So concerning 'Leap into Avernus' I want to write it to the end whether or not  anyone joins me on the journey. Even if I abandon it for a bit to wrote something else or nothing at all I will come back. I really like the story and I want it to be my first completed work. I like the characters and the setting. I've always liked thinking of fantasy series plots and this is a blend of fantasy and my odd little passion for Greek mythos plus is a one book thing. I don't know how long this will take to reach an audience of some kind but I don't mind if I have to write 15 chapters before I get my first comment. Basically don't be worried I'll drop off the face of the planet 5 chapters in leaving an uncompleted work (tho no judgment to authors who have, sometimes life gets in the way or you get bored). 

Thankyou for reading. Would love to read any comments on any chapters or this one. 


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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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