A new chapter in my Life

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I was in the woods since I felt I needed some fresh air after remembering my past bad memories. Wondering around aimlessly I unconsciously stumbled upon a house and when I finally came to a realization where I was, a wave of hidden emotions clouded me and I remembered

"Come on Kimi it's not that scary" Zen told me from ground and I was standing on top of the of a house "Zen what if I fall?" I asked Fricken scared this idiot decided to lead me up the roof and jump down leaving me alone up here and I don't know how to get down and now he's expecting me to jump down? Is he nuts? "Then I'll catch you Kimi don't worry I won't let you fall I promise" Zen promised, but then I accidentally tripped "Aaahh" I closed my eyes awaiting the impact but I felt myself in someone's arms "See I told you I wouldn't let you fall princess" Zen said half out of breath but maintaining a smirk on his face as usual. I blushed bright red at Zen's words and our situation.

But those were the good old times that I miss so much

Flashback end*

"I really miss those happy days" I smiled sadly to myself, eventually I ended up falling asleep there.

The next morning I opened my eyes and I saw a red head looking at me "Uhh" as I was about to speak I heard a voice "Mitsuhide, Kiki I'm going on ahead" That voice "Hey careful pragger your gonna hurt yourself" I heard another voice say and then a beautiful boy jump above me and red headed girl. Our eyes met and he looked like he remembered something while being distracted with me he fell and hurt his wrist, he was wincing in pain "I told you so Zen" wait Zen? Could it be him" I thought to myself, just then a green headed boy and blonde headed girl came running, I recognized the green headed boy as Mitsuhide Zen's bodyguard and best friend and the blonde headed girl as Kiki Zen's other aid and was once my best friend "Are you hurt? Did you fall on your head? Tell me what's 1+1?" Mitsuhide asked frantically panicking over the prince as usual"Purple. Wait who are you again?" Zen said but I could see he was just fooling around with Mitsuhide "It's me Mitsuhide" Mitsuhide exclaimed panicking "Oh I forgot, was that your name" Kiki said sarcastically, I giggled a little to their antics "They haven't changed a bit" I thought to myself "Kiki! Not helping even a little bit" Mitsuhide said, Zen started "Oh gosh, I've missed his laugh" though I eventually came to my senses and realized that no matter how much I wanted I can never be with Zen or I'd have to risk my secret coming out and I can't allow that. So I tried to sneak past Zen and his friends while holding my hood over my head, I saw the red head from earlier doing the same "Hold" Zen said mid laugh, stopping me and the red head in our tracks, I obeyed him but kept my hood over my face he can not know who I am at any cost.
"Mind telling me who you girls are? And what your doing in the woods all alone?" Zen asked resting his sword on his shoulder "I just uhh....I just left my home and I was in a hurry so I got rather lost and ended up on a random road....and in here-" the red head tried to explain nervously while holding her hood over her face just like me.
I noticed Zen was distracted with her so I tried to sneak my out but stopped in my tracks when Zen decided to point his sword in my face. He threw my hood off and afterwards did the same with the red head Mitsuhide and Kiki looked shocked at me "Oh crap-" Zen just looked shocked at the sight of my hair but not me "Why?" The red head was just as shocked to see my hair "You have very unusual hair" Zen told me then turned to the apple head "Yeah I get that alot from people" I stated feeling flustered "Yeah I hear that frequently too" the apple head replied. I noticed Zen's arm was red from his injury earlier "Oh your arm it's injured" the apple head stated before I got the chance "Eh, I've had worse" Zen stated nonchalantly "Your in luck, I'm an herbalist, I have a healing poltist you can use on it that'll help" the apple head said while rummaging through her bag "No thanks" Zen declined "It could be poisoned or something, I'm not going to fall for that little trick, I wasn't born yesterday y'know?" Zen stated harshly "Trust is something earned not given in other words we're done here" he stated "Oh" was all the apple head could say "So off you go then" Zen said. Behind Zen I could see Mitsuhide and Kiki giving me glances they knew I had the power to heal people, so I finally spoke up "You probably don't trust me either" Zen pointed his sword at me "What do you think?" He said harshly, something didn't feel right, Mitsuhide and Kiki both have realized it's me but Zen doesn't seem to recognize me, I wonder why? I took Zen sword and hit my arm hard with it, "Hey what the-" Zen asked confused I winced in pain "What's she doing?" Kiki mumbled to herself, Mitsuhide had wide eyes and the apple head she was just watching what was going on "What are you-" Zen mumbled as I used my fixed arm and touched the broken one and the injury disappeared "See no poison and no pain as well" I tell him with a straight face "You used magic didn't you?" He says seriously "Well yeah" I reply hesitantly. Mitsuhide starts laughing "She sure got you there Zen" he says crossing his arms Zen starts laughing too "I'm sorry about that, my name's Zen" He apologizes "Umm mine is Kimiko" I reply "He really doesn't know who I am" I think to myself "It's lovely to meet you Kimiko and what a beautiful name you have for a such a beautiful girl" Zen compliments with a big smile I swear I can feel my cheeks boiling "However I think your at least partially responsible for my lesson yet graceful landing" he says lending his arm to me so I can heal it I just stare at him "Huh?"

Snow white with the pink hair Zen x OC FanficWhere stories live. Discover now