The Swordsman Exam

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Today I was a bit nervous cause lord Haruka was gonna test my swordman skills, he had started the test already now and if I pass then I would officially be Zen's Aid, so I was bored out of my mind looking for any danger but I found nothing. But then I heard something move by the door, "Who goes there?" I said and was about to attack when the person jumped out "It's only me" Zen said holding his hand in defense "Oh my god, Zen you scared me" I said breathing heavily "Sorry" he said apologetically "It's okay" I say smiling at him and hugging him to show I forgive him, he hugs me back "Soo how's the test going?" He asks me after he pulls away from the hug "So far it's not going, but I guess that's a good" I say a little let down but then smile again "Perhaps you'd like me to keep you company?" He asks shyly with a tint of red on his cheeks "Sure I'd love that Zen" I say smiling at him.

A few minutes later we were talking in Zen's room and then someone somehow locked the door from the outside, we were stuck inside "Oh no, we're locked inside" I said trying to open the door and slightly panicking cause I was in Zen's room alone, as if Zen sensed my panick, he came up to me and held my shoulders gently "Don't worry Kimiko, everything will be okay" he reassured me softly his eyes looking straight at mine, and for some reason I could see fondness?

I didn't notice but our faces were only mere inches away, I took in his features and that's when I realized Zen had really become a handsome man now, I smiled softly to myself and then I realized Zen was leaning in to kiss me?

My body on instinct was leaning in as well just then ruining the moment Zen's door opened revealing Lord Haruka and a few other guards, me and Zen pulled away immediately, I coughed awkwardly "Are you alright prince Zen? Why was the door locked?" Lord Haruka asks suspiciously "And why are you two alone in a room? Prince Zen, you are aware that Ms Tsukino can not have any sort of help from you otherwise she will fail her exam right?" Lord Haruka asked him "Lord Haruka it's not what you think" I say quickly "Let me explain, someone had locked us in the room, and as for me helping Kimiko with the exam, she wouldn't allow me even if I offered to help her, she's that loyal of a person" Zen said smiling fondly at me, I smiled back at him "So please lord Haruka, don't fail her" Zen asked him nicely "Very well highness, I won't fail her" lord Haruka said, we breathed a sigh of relief "But I have a different job for her at the infamery, are you ready for it? Lord Haruka questioned me "Sir, yes sir" I said doing a salute.

Lord Haruka had left "Well I hope you have fun" Zen said patting my head "Thanks Zen" I smiled softly at him.

I gone to the infamery where I had greeted Shirayuki, I had met the chief, chief Garock she's a very nice lady, and I met a little boy, well he's probably not that little probably about 12 and he's name is Ryu.

Chief Garock had given me Zen's medical history to check on, it was apart of my exam, when I saw it, I couldn't stop crying, couldn't believe all the things Zen had gone through and I wasn't there to help him through it "I'm completely useless, I left him when he needed me the most" I said the tears falling down my face, suddenly I hear Zen's voice "So you read the medical history?" He asked, I just nodded my head "Come here" he motioned for me to come to him and I did as told "I'll stay here until your finished working k'ay?" He asked and I nodded into his chest.

When I had finished work Zen had walked back with me "Hey Kimiko are you okay now? I saw you crying earlier" Shirayuki asked me "Yes I'm fine now, sorry I scared you" I said apologetically "No need to apologize I'm just glad your okay now" she says smiling happily, I return her smile and then Zen turns to me "So why did you cry so much when you my medical history if I may ask?" Zen asks "What do you mean? Wouldn't anyone be heartbroken to hear of you've gone through?" I question him "They would but they way you were crying was as if you blamed yourself" Zen said now in thought "Oh" was all I said now that I think about it, I do kind of blame myself, Mitsuhide quickly changed the subject "Well I'm starving it's been a long day, let's get something to eat" he suggested, we all agreed.

And I've made my decision I'm gonna stay by Zen's side now and forever, I'll never leave him and make the same mistake I made once.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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