The move back to the palace

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I was in my room getting ready to move back to the palace after after 5 years of being away "Kimiko where are you going?" Usagi asked me "Usagi I'm moving back to the palace" I say smiling softly "Really are you going back after all these years?" She asked "Yes I am" I say still smiling "I've decided to go back and start a fresh life, I'll still be able see you so don't worry okay?" I say patting my sister's head "I don't mind, one I get the whole room to myself now" she says grinning I just roll my eyes at her antics "And two, you seem happy about going back and I don't really remember the last time you've smiled like this, so I'm happy" Usagi says smiling at me, I hug her "I'm gonna miss you Usa" I say holding her tightly "I'll miss you too sis" she says holding me even tighter "Wow, you guys having a hug without me?" Shingo interrupts us unimpressed, we pull away "Oh Shingo, I'm gonna miss you too, come here" I hug him tightly.
I went to say my goodbyes to my parents as well "Mom and dad I'll miss you both" I say hugging them "We'll miss you too sweetie" mom says hugging me tightly "And if anything happens you call me I'll sort it out" dad pulls away and tells me, I laugh "Yes I will dad" I say.

Time skip*
I arrive at the palace, I walk up to the guards "Miss can we help you?" Guard 1 asks (Author note*Guard 1 is the serious guard and guard 2 is the friendly guard just to clarify cause I don't know their names) "Umm actually I came here to see Mitsuhide and Kiki-" "Kimiko" I got cut off by Zen calling my name "Oh hi Zen" I say smiling "Your highness" the guards stand up straight "Oh it's her" Guard 2 whispers to Guard 1 "Yeah I noticed that" Guard 1 whispers back.

Time skip*
Zen had showed me around the mountains since I asked him if I could go looking for herbs later on. Kiki had also showed me to my room which also happened to be my old room before the I left the palace, alot of old memories rushed back to me and I realized I felt really happy.
I unpacked all my things and got dressed

(Author's note* this is her outfit just imagine her hairs pink)Once I was done getting ready I prepared to leave for the woods I stopped by Shirayuki's house to say hi, Shirayuki is living somewhere in town for the time being while she's looking f...

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(Author's note* this is her outfit just imagine her hairs pink)
Once I was done getting ready I prepared to leave for the woods I stopped by Shirayuki's house to say hi, Shirayuki is living somewhere in town for the time being while she's looking for a job, she also agreed to tag along with me.

In the forest*
I was searching for some herbs as I was searching for herbs me and Shirayuki were chitchatting and we actually got along really well. Shirayuki reminds me alot of one of my best friends Makoto Kino she would always help me find the medicinal herbs I'm looking for, as I was in a daydream of my own I finally snapped when I heard Shirayuki shout my name but it was too late, when my mind went black.

Shirayuki's pov*
I saw a guy behind Kimiko but she was too deep in thought to notice "Kimiko" I shouted but when I did it was too late the guy knocked her out and ran away with her, I tried to chase him "Hey leave her alone" I ended up losing him I knew I had to go get help by Zen.

Normal pov*
I opened my eyes and saw I was in some sort of dungeon, my hands were tied "Oh so your finally awake Candylocks" a guy with a brown ponytail said to me "Let me go" I said glaring at the man "And lose the worth I could get out of you? I don't think so" he told me smugly

A few hours later*
I had been here for a few hours I hadn't eaten but I had been planning my escape, the guy came to give me food but I simply glared at him and hit my head hard against a barrel that was next to me and that he put the food on, sending the food flying into him, he was furious so I knew I needed to get out. I tried to look for an escape route but the entire place was locked, I ended up coming to a dead end then I saw a lamp and matches, I looked at the herbs in my bag and had an idea.

The guy caught up to me "Did you seriously think you could escape me Candylocks, now just give in and maybe I will be merciful to you" he said dangerously I glared at him and closed my nose and threw the lamp the herb did it's magic and the guy couldn't see nor walk his body went numb so I made my escape "He didn't want me to go upstairs, so that must be the way out" I thought to myself, I made my way to the window "No bars I can go out here" I thought, I got ready to jump I on a tree branch but I fell off and onto my face "Wow today was quite a day" I thought exhausted from all this falling, but once again the guy made his way to me with a fire stick in his hand "Did you think your herb trick would work on me?" he said dangerously to me and stabbed the stick against the wall next to me backing me up against the wall "Why don't you just give in, even if you escape me someone else will just end up hunting you down, wouldn't it be better to in the hands of nobility, you'd get all the luxuries and enjoyments, isn't that what you want?" He asked me "No, that is not what I want" I said sternly "Suit yourself" he said, I closed my eyes preparing for him to do something harsh when I felt his grip on me loosen, I opened my eyes and the guy was laying against the his arm injured and Zen was here "Zen?" I asked shocked his was breathing heavily"Wasn't this supposed to be a day's trip" he asked out breath, I just hugged him."What are you two, lovers?" The guy asked us, we both pulled away blushing furiously "What the hell?" Zen said ready to slice his head off "Zen I think you should calm down" I pulled him back.

Time skip*
In the end we found out the guy's name was Mihaya and he was once nobility and that dungeon was once a palace that was burned down.

"Hey Kimiko" Zen called my name "Yes Zen?" I ask him "What's wrong?" I ask concerned "Have we met before? Your name and face look so familiar" he asks me I stand still in shock "Is he starting to remember" I think to myself "Maybe we have in another life" I say smiling to him.

Ive discovered a new me and I'm no longer scared to hide my feelings and if Zen ends up remembering me I'm not gonna hide and I'm not gonna leave I'm gonna be with Zen and support him as far as I can just like I was once did.

Author's note*
Hi guys another chapter like I promised hope you guys like it

Snow white with the pink hair Zen x OC FanficWhere stories live. Discover now