A Mother's Persuasion.

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Goetia mansion/palace:

No one's POV:

To say that Ren is annoyed would be an understatement. He already went through with being taken to one person, and then the next when he was five. So yeah, he's not annoyed. He's pissed.

Currently, he's being carried bridal style by Octavia and rubbing the soreness around his throat.

As, Octavia, walked down the corridors of the mansion to wherever they were going, she decided to try and make conversation with Ren.

"So... how have you been since I last saw you?" She asked.

Ren: I've been better,

"Oh. That's nice." Octavia said.

She took note of the red marks forming around his throat from what her mother did.

"I'm sorry for what Mom did to you," Octavia said with a hint of sadness in her voice.

Ren: It's not your fault. If anything, I'd like to hear that from the screeching banshee in a ball gown. 

Ren said, earning a chuckle from Octavia.

"She can be loud when she's angry." Octavia chuckled.

Ren: I can tell. Also, can you put me down?"

"No." Octavia said.

"What? I can walk just fine! I'm not five anymore!" Ren complained.

"Well, I hadn't held you since you were five. So I'm making up for lost time." Octavia said, making Ren growl in annoyance.

Ren: Why am I not surprised?

Ren said sarcastically.


Stella's POV:

"How DARE he?!" I rant angrily out loud.

"How dare that human have the nerve to insult me?! ME! He should be grateful for being in my presence!" I continue.

I'm currently in the study of the mansion. The mansion I used to live in. Instead, it all belongs to that cheating prick!

I may not live here, but it still pisses me off to no end!

He's lucky I was able to get my own mansion to live in.

I try to not go on a loud screaming fit like I usually do, so I think back to when I first met Ren when he was a child.

He used to be so small, so timid, so insignificant, so... comforting. Now that he's grown, he's not so small or timid anymore. Now he's grown a spine, and one hell of an attitude to go with it.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't happy that he's returned after all these years. At least I don't have to pay that imp a million dollars just to keep him. That at least puts a smile on my face. However, what doesn't put a smile on my face, is Ren's new nonexistent submissiveness.

I still remember when I confronted him about him being a mere weak minuscule unworthy human in the presence of a goetia when he was still a child. I was so angry. He became so scared that he burst into tears, and began to actually apologize just for being here while sobbing like a baby.

After seeing his submission towards me, I could see why Octavia saw him as a little brother.

He was small, quiet, and obedient out of fear of upsetting us. I had such great plans for raising him with Octavia.

Now cut to the present, Ren is clearly no longer the scared obedient child he used to be. His talking back while I held him by the throat is proof enough But that outfit...that damn outfit...it just screams rebellion.

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