The mighty strike-out slugger

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Somewhere in Pentagram City, we see Joker still running from what happened earlier with Martha. He slows down to a jog before finally stopping to catch his breath.

'That was too close.' Shadow Narukami said.

"You're telling me. But now everyone knows about me being down here!" Said Joker, still freaked out over the fact that he'd been exposed to all of hell.

'I know, I know! You're not the only one freaked out, Joker! We just gotta keep moving until we figure out a plan to get the book, and get the hell out of hell.' Said Shadow Yosuke.

"Not without a charge up we're not," Joker said.

He looked around until he found what he was looking for. A street lamp.

"Ah ha!"

He walked up to it, and he took out his blade and took a strong, and swift swing of his blade, which cut the street lamp clean through like a hot knife to butter. The parts that were cut fell to the ground with a loud clang. Joker tensed at the noise and looked around to see if anyone was around to look. So far, there's no one.

"Ok, the coast is clear." He said.

Joker then plunged his hand into the live wires of the street lamp, and he felt the electricity surge through him as his body absorbed it.

'Oh yeah, that's the stuff!' Shadow Yosuke cheered, feeling their energy being replenished.

The energy absorption caused nearby light sources, and the power in buildings to flicker. Some demons took notice but weren't sure what to make of it. Eventually, Joker pulled his hands out and returned them to normal once he felt recharged.

'Yeah, now we're talking! I'd feel sorry for the next demon that messes with us!' Shadow Yosuke said happily as Joker began walking away towards who knows where.

"Yeah, we took on magic demon birds, a pimp moth, and a living flatscreen. Who could top that?" Joker asked rhetorically.

"Uh hello you killed a false god" Shadow Chie reminded Ren

"Oh yeah"

What neither realized was that a demon did get curious enough about the electricity bugging out after hearing the crash of the street lamp. They resembled a navy blue purple-grey reptile with a sleeveless black furred vest as well as red tattoos, an underbite with a fang sticking out, and medium-length black hair on the back of his bald head and down his neck.

"Oh, she's gonna wanna hear about this." He chuckled.


Meanwhile, a one-sided brawl is occurring in another part of the city. A gang of sinners are being thrown left, and right. Either tumbling on the ground, dying from hitting the side of a building too hard, or just dead before impact due to being torn apart.

Some sinners tried to run, but they were soon crushed to death by either a vehicle or a chunk of concrete from the street or a building.

One sinner can be seen desperately crawling away due to having a broken leg with the bone sticking out, and the leg angled the wrong way. The ground shook a little as stomping could be heard from something, or somebody, rather big. The sinner pleads desperately, begging for his life to be spared.

"P-Please! H-Have mercy!" He begged, raising his hand in surrender.

The ground shook as the heavy steps grew closer towards him. A black-heeled shoe or boot with a burgundy red-colored foot in it, and a sharp sickle-shaped black claw sticking out stomped right next to his broken leg.

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