When he realizes he likes you (PT 1)

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Haruka Sakura

Something in his gut didn't leave him alone for a while after having his first date with you, if you'd even like to call it that. It was an unplanned day and you had decided to meet up on a random Tuesday, he asked you what you were doing after school through text. You explained to him you weren't doing anything aside from just staying home to study.

You invited him over. It was his first time being at a friends house, let alone a girl's house. So when one of your parent figures greeted him inside, they asked you the most obvious question any parent would be thinking if their daughter invited a boy.

"[Name], is this your boyfriend?"

He bursted into flames hearing that. You quickly said he was just a friend coming over and you two somehow were able to head back in your room. The whole time, it was just a normal study date, both of you were talking while doing (mostly you doing work) class work.

Laughing, telling each other about your days. Until a random thought came across his mind.

'I wouldn't mind seeing her like this everyday...'

He kept denying any feelings he had for you, every time you both made eye contact, went out together, even when texting, he would find himself smiling till he had to snap out of it and punch himself.

It wasn't until that very same study date. He went home wondering what made him feel this way.

Hajime Umemiya

Your grandparents weren't home for a while for a business trip. They gave you a share of money for running errands that would last you about a week and a half. The first few days, it felt normal and even nice having the whole house to yourself, until it got lonely. Upon arriving at school, it was a Friday which meant you could stay out late and sleep in the next day.

Umemiya invited you to garden for a few hours after school with Sugishita. The tall lanky boy had to leave earlier, with a tint of jealousy in his mind that you were able to stay back with the grey-haired male for a little longer than he could. He bid farewell to the older man which you took notice of how he didn't say goodbye to you.

Hours had gone by, with it now just being the two of you on the school roof, he didn't realize  how long you'd been staying, when he noticed the sun began to set off in the far distance as you two took a break under the hand-built shed area.

"It's getting dark, [Name], are you sure you're going to be able to walk home tonight?" He asked crossing his arms while keeping his eyes on the orangey-shade that burned deeply in the clouds. You looked up at the tall boy, placing down your cup of water and then shifted your gaze to where the sun began to disappear.

"...Oh, that's alright. It doesn't matter when I get home," You replied, resting the chin of your head on your palm. Umemiya hummed loudly catching your attention to look at him.

"Won't your grandparents be worried?"

You blinked. That was right, you remembered you hadn't told anyone you were staying alone for a couple of days.

"Ah, they're currently out on a business trip, so I'm alone in the house for a while," You put on a faux smile.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He shot back quickly.

Suddenly, your eyes opened curiously as to why he sounded a bit upset. You straightened your back on the chair you sat in while began to make his way towards you and then crouched to your level.

"You've been eating alone for a while right? I'll help you with your dinner tonight," He smiled warmly.

You tried to tell him it was fine, but it soon failed when he had offered you to go out for last minute shopping at the convenience store where it practically turned into a late night hangout. Night crawled it's way in quickly when you bought all the ingredients which he purposely paid for even with your bickering. Soon enough, you returned to your home with the 6 feet man holding the two bags of fresh vegetables and sauces.

The first time he stepped inside the house you were staying in, it looked homey, seeing that it was also your grandparents house. He began to cook dinner with you. It seemed awkward that a friend would come all the way here and even have dinner with you. The whole time, the both of you were practically play fighting each other when making the cold-noodles you two craved. When everything was finished, the both of you sat down to eat at your dinner table and talked to each other the whole time.

He didn't know why he felt like he had to do this, it wasn't something he'd see himself doing anyone, you were the first he's ever done this with. So when he realized how much fun he had cooking with you by his side, he wanted more of it, more of just it being the both of you.

Toma Hiragi

After rescuing you from the gang that practically kept you hostage, you kept following Hiragi after that. At first he didn't mind it but then it was coming to a point where he'd start getting embarrassed whenever you'd catch him on the street and say a quick hi to him even if he was with other people.

He did get annoyed at how willingly you made yourself open to him. But it was okay after all, he was the one that saved you.

So when it became to norm to have you by his side at all times, it eventually grew on him and came to enjoy it, having your presence around him was like his intrusive thoughts but it being an actual person. You said some pretty memorable things that sometimes crosses his mind throughout the day.

He was walking you home after your club room activity. It was fairly bright outside but he walked you home regardless of the weather. He didn't know what it was that day, listening to you blabber about how one of the people in your [extra curriculum] club pissed her off. The whole time, his eyes were on the way her expression changed, the way her eyes squinted, nose crinkled, the imperfections in her teeth, he noticed it all, and he couldn't peel his eyes away.

He didn't realize he had been staring at you for the entire walk back to your house, so when you stood in front of your door questioning why he hadn't bid you goodbye, he snapped out of the trance.

"Pardon?" He asked you, his hands were in his leather pants as he continued blinking.

The eyebrows on your face narrowed to an unimpressed facial expression before you smirked to yourself making him panic if he did something wrong, "Seems like someone is out of it today..." You teased.

Instead of his usual snaps to those types of comments you made. He surprisingly stopped in his track before chuckling to himself making you grow surprise.

"Sorry," He apologized.

'I thought you looked beautiful today.' He thought, although never said.

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