A New Beginning

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Raian slowly drifted back to consciousness, the steady beep of a heart monitor gradually pulling him from the depths of oblivion. His eyelids felt heavy, like they were weighed down with lead, but he managed to pry them open, revealing a blur of white and blue above him. As his vision cleared, the sterile white ceiling of a hospital room came into focus, dotted with the occasional fluorescent light.

He tried to move, but a dull ache radiated through his body, reminding him to take it slow. Tubes were attached to his arms, and a faint antiseptic smell hung in the air, mingling with the subtle undercurrent of medicinal drugs. The room was quiet except for the rhythmic beeping and his own shallow breathing.

Turning his head to the side, Raian noticed a small window with the curtains partially drawn, allowing slivers of daylight to spill onto the tiled floor. He couldn't remember much about how he got here, but the sense of relief that washed over him suggested that being here, in this hospital bed, was a good thing. The last thing he can recall was being in an alley with dogs and then his quirk activated for the first time.

A nurse noticed his movements and approached with a gentle smile, her voice soft but clear. "Welcome back. You're in the hospital. You've been out for a while, but you're safe now. Do you remember anything?"

Raian's mind was a jumble of foggy images, but he shook his head and began to speak, "No, not much. Last thing I can remember is being in a fight with some dogs. My quirk dealt with the dogs and that's about it."

The nurse adjusted the IV stand beside Raian's bed before turning her attention back to him. She offered a warm, comforting smile and said, "My name is Emiko, and I'll be taking care of you here. It seems you've passed out due to quirk exhaustion, which is quite common among heroes and those training to use their quirks extensively. You're in good hands now, so just focus on resting and getting better."

She paused for a moment, her gaze shifting to the myriad of scars crisscrossing Raian's arms. With a tone of professional concern laced with genuine curiosity, she asked, "If you don't mind me asking, Raian, how did you come by all these scars?"

Raian shifted uncomfortably under the nurse's gaze. He hesitated, the words catching in his throat, but Emiko's kind eyes encouraged him to speak.

Finally, he mustered the courage to reveal the truth. "I... I got these while dumpster diving," Raian admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. "I wasn't always careful, and sometimes the trash would cut me. I guess I have a lot of them now."

Emiko listened without judgment, her expression softening. "That sounds like it was a tough time for you," she said gently. "But you're here now, and we'll make sure those scars are the last thing you need to worry about. Let's focus on your recovery and getting you back on your feet."

Raian's nod was subtle, but it conveyed a world of gratitude. Emiko recognized the silent thank you in his gesture, and with a reassuring pat on his arm.

As Nurse Emiko gathered her clipboard and prepared to leave, she paused at the door, turning back to Raian with a question that seemed to linger in the air. "Raian, before I go, could you tell me about your parents? We need to know who they are and how to contact them," she asked, her voice gentle yet firm, understanding the importance of family contacts in such situations.

Raian's eyes dimmed, the light of recovery momentarily overshadowed by a cloud of sorrow. He looked away, his voice a soft echo of pain as he confided in her. "I was abandoned by them," he said, the words heavy with unspoken stories. "I don't have anyone to contact."

Emiko's heart went out to him, her professional demeanor giving way to a moment of human connection. "I'm sorry to hear that," she replied with genuine compassion. "But you're not alone. We're here for you, and we'll do everything we can to help you through this." With a final, empathetic smile, she left the room, giving Raian the space he needed, yet leaving behind a sense of support and care.

The door to Raian's hospital room opened with a soft click, and a man in a crisp suit stepped inside, his presence commanding yet not unkind. He introduced himself as a representative from the Public Safety Commission, his eyes scanning the room before settling on Raian with a purposeful gaze.

"Raian," he began, his voice firm but encouraging, "I've been informed of your situation, and it's come to our attention that you may have the potential to be more than just a bystander in this world of heroes and quirks. We would like to offer you the opportunity to train and harness your abilities, to become a hero that can stand on the front lines of safety and justice."

The offer hung in the air. ~This a chance for me to turn my life around, to use my past struggles as a foundation for a future where I could make a difference. My dream can be a reality~ It was an unexpected lifeline, one that promised a new beginning and a purpose that resonated with the very core of his being.

With resolve in his heart, Raian faced the representative, his voice steady and full of newfound purpose. "I will go with you. I'll do whatever it takes to become a hero," he declared, the weight of his decision anchoring him to this pivotal moment in his life.

However, as the representative nodded in approval, a flicker of doubt crossed Raian's mind, a question that tugged at the edges of his trust. "Wait, how did you know my name?" Raian asked, the question laced with a hint of suspicion. It was a small detail, but one that could unravel the intentions behind this sudden offer. The representative's answer would be crucial in determining Raian's next move.

The representative's gaze didn't waver as he addressed Raian's concerns. "Our organization has resources to gather necessary information on individuals who show potential," he explained. "We know about your situation, that you were quirkless at the age of four and later abandoned. It's part of our due diligence to understand the backgrounds of those we consider for training."

The revelation was unsettling, yet it spoke to the reach and efficiency of the Public Safety Commission. "We can help you prove them wrong. With us, you can be a top pro hero."

The representative extended a glass of water towards Raian, his voice laced with feigned concern. "You seem parched, Raian. Please, drink this," he urged. Trustingly, Raian accepted the glass, the cool liquid a welcome relief as he drank eagerly. But as the last drops passed his lips, a strange dizziness took hold, the room beginning to spin, and darkness crept into the edges of his vision until he succumbed to a forced slumber.

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