First Mission

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      **Five years later**

      Raian stood in the center of the dojo, his breathing steady and controlled. The years of rigorous training under his mentor's watchful eye had transformed him. No longer a frightened boy, he was now a confident warrior, his quirk no longer a mystery but an extension of his will.

      His mentor, the man who had once seemed an insurmountable force, now watched with a hint of pride. "You've come a long way," he said, his voice no longer harsh but tempered with respect.

     Raian nodded, a small smile playing on his lips. The trials of the past were behind him, each one a step on the path that led to this moment. The dojo, once a place of pain and challenge, was now a sanctuary where he honed his skills and spirit.

      As the training session came to an end, Raian bowed to his mentor, gratitude and determination shining in his eyes. The journey ahead was his to take, and with each step, he would carry the lessons of the past, the strength of his quirk, and the wisdom of his mentor into the future.

      Raian stood before his mentor and father figure, the weight of years of training evident in his posture. "Kaito Sir," he began, his voice steady, "I thank you for all you've done. I never truly wanted this path, but you've guided me through it." Raian was told his name after constant pestering.

     Kaito regarded Raian with a solemn nod. "You've grown beyond the confines of this dojo, Raian. What lies ahead is a journey to the higher-ups. Our time together has come to an end, and your training here is finished," he declared, his words marking the end of one chapter and the beginning of another.

      Raian looked up at Kaito, the question hanging in the air between them. "So, do you think we'll cross paths again? You know, after all this?"

     Kaito leaned back, considering the question with a thoughtful expression. "Life's full of surprises, Raian," he said with a small chuckle. "Who knows? Maybe our paths will intersect down the line. Just keep doing what you're doing, and we'll see where we end up."

      Raian smiled, comforted by the thought. "I hope so. You've been a big part of my life, Kaito Sir. Thanks for everything."

      With a final pat on the shoulder, Raian turned to leave, feeling a sense of closure and the excitement of a new beginning.

      Raian stood patiently by the entrance of the dojo, the anticipation of the unknown stirring within him. Time seemed to stretch on until finally, footsteps approached. A figure emerged to escort him, their presence a silent command to follow. They navigated through a series of corridors, the journey shrouded in silence, until they reached a room engulfed in darkness.

     The escort stepped out, the sound of the door closing behind them a definitive note in the quiet. Raian was alone, enveloped by the pitch black, his heart pounding in the stillness. Minutes ticked by, each second a crescendo of confusion and expectancy.

      Suddenly, the room burst into life as five large TV screens flickered on, cutting through the darkness. Each screen bore the face of a different individual, their expressions unreadable. The faces seemed to survey Raian, their eyes digital but piercing, as if they could see into the very core of his being. The room, once a void of uncertainty, was now a stage where Raian's fate would unfold under the watchful gaze of these enigmatic figures.

      The man on the central screen leaned forward, his face taking on a grave seriousness. "Raian," he began, his voice resonating through the room, "today you will have to complete a mission."

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