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"No I promise, just sit down, I'll be done in just a minute, mom." she says firmly in response to her mother asking if she needs any help in the kitchen. Travis just gives Andrea that one look she's grown to know too well. His eyebrows raised an inch and a smirk on his face that tells the blonde woman he's got her daughter all figured out.

Leave it to me.

She giggles quietly at Travis, then slowly walks back into the living room to sit down next to Scott. Travis looks at all the different dishes on the counter behind her. The California sun is slowly setting. He should've known this morning when she announced that she'll cook 'a few Italian primi piatti' that the ruthless perfectionist lurking inside of his girlfriend would finally make a come back on this Friday. After running around all day, going to the gym, completing her cardio challenge, baking cupcakes for her parents, finishing a work meeting, discussing a music video concept with her team and signing a few new contracts, she of course decided to hit the delicacy shop she loves out here in LA, just to buy all the ingredients she needs for a total of six different Italian dishes that she wants to make for him and her parents tonight. He knows too well by now that whenever Taylor is in this state of mind, there's no stopping her. If she sets her mind onto something, there's nothing anyone can say or do to make her loosen up a little. Even if that would involve her actually enjoying this quiet evening with him and her family instead of standing in the kitchen for a solid two hours now, not having had a single conversation with any one of her parents yet.

"What else needs to be done? I can cut veggies? I'm good at cutting stuff." he tries one last time, steals a carrot stick from her cutting board and starts munching. While stirring the big blue Dutch oven in front of her, she looks back at him for a second, stressed, clearly not amused that he's eating her uncooked food.

"No, all good. I just need to make sure the risotto won't thicken too much and once that's done you guys can sit down and eat the carpaccio before it gets soggy because I need to take the bread out of the oven and quickly scrap together the bruschetta sauce.."

Travis just sighs deeply, takes a step closer towards her. She's too stressed whipping up the food in front of her to even notice him trying to get closer.

"How about we just let the bruschetta be? We've got so much food, babe. It's just us four. It's also really late already."

She shakes her head, not responding to him and he knows that if he pushes her any more now, she might actually get mad at him tonight.

"How about I start cutting some tomatoes for the bruschetta then?" he says with a sigh, finally gave into her obsession with the tomato bread. For a moment she looks up at him, a weak smile on her face. It immediately lights up his entire body.

"That would be great." she just says, still a bit hesitant and he knows why. She's not sure if she should be happy that he's offering to help her, or if she should be worried about the fact that he might cut off his fingers while doing so.

"Sure." he says, can see the washed and perfectly ripe tomatoes sitting in the drain by the sink right next to her. He grabs one of the tomatoes, holds it up in the air with a question mark on his face.

"Little cubes?"

She nods, a smile on her face.

"Thanks, Trav." she says then, still busy stirring the risotto in front of her. She doesn't even notice that he gets closer to her, and fast enough has stolen her cheek a gentle kiss. She giggles all surprised about his gentleness, then feels him lean in again after a second.

"You're very welcome, crazy."

Another kiss leaving her cheek. She just giggles, continues stirring her risotto.

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