The Uncle Trav Blurb.

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Just a silly little something xx

Taylor checks her phone with a smirk on her face. She's out of breath, her legs as shaky as always when she comes right off stage. She's sweating, now more than she was while dancing and singing. A normal reaction by her body which she's gotten used to by now. Every time, it's almost as if her body is only just realizing how much work she's put in once it's over. Once she gets to relax. It's insane how exhausting these past three and a half hours really were, but it's become even more amazing to see that she's strong enough. Strong enough for all of it.
Taylor giggles once, rather loudly this time, causing her dad to be curious, too.
"What are you laughing at?"
Standing in her dressing room with her parents, she can't stop smiling at the picture Travis just sent her two hours ago.
"Oh look at them." Andrea now also laughs while looking at Taylor's phone screen. She's holding it up to give both her parents a good view and it certainly doesn't disappoint any of them. Travis has taken a selfie of himself and his four year old niece, who's sitting comfortably on her first class airplane bed, orange juice in the plastic champagne cup, a big smile on her face whilst uncle Travy is wearing her beloved dinosaur shaped plastic glasses. This girl loves to force her clothes and toys on her uncle and Taylor adores with every inch of her being how much he just lets her do anything and everything to him.
"Oh look at her with her orange juice." Scott is laughing now, Taylor already giving her mom a look she knows too well. Her daughter's heart is slowly but surely exploding from seeing the man she's in love with so attentive with his nieces. She can't wait for the two of them to get here. Can't wait to see for herself how he deals with the little girl. She knows how nervous he is to take Wyatt on this little trip. But in a way, Taylor knows she's even more nervous than him. After all, there have been so many late night conversations about babies lately. About their future. Their values. Where they see their lives together in ten years.
She knows she wants to go this step with him. She knows that she wants him to be the father of her children. Him and no one else. But this week together with Wyatt will really be a test run, for the both of them, to see how they will deal with a child, especially when things get hectic. She's only ever experienced him with his nieces during a family day in Philadelphia, for a maximum of three hours. But this time, it'll be different. This time, he's dealing with the little girl day and night for a total of four days before Jason and Kylie will join them in London to take over again. Truly the first time, that the two of them will have full responsibility for keeping a human being alive and happy.
"Do you think he's getting any sleep on this flight?" Andrea just asks, almost as if she's ready to answer her own question and Taylor laughs. She's just replied to his picture with a pink heart, then places her phone on the little table by the side and shakes her head at her mom.
"I told him that booking a red eye flight with a toddler is a bad idea. Like.. worst idea ever." she says, can already imagine how tired and whiny the little girl will be.
"Well, we'll keep them up tomorrow. At least she'll sleep good after."
Taylor nods, hoping to get any sleep in the next four days. But there's still a smile creeping up on her sweaty face. She can't wait for the two to get here. Can't wait to spend more time with Wyatt and Travis. After all, she will be part of their family soon. And in a way, that makes Wyatt her little niece, too. With a smile on her face still, Taylor takes another sip of her water bottle. She's ready to go back to her Parisian hotel suite and call it a day. Finally.


With her hair open and all over the place, she gets up quickly. Her heart is beating fast. She feels dizzy from having gotten up so fast, faster than she should, but she's way too excited to just stay in bed now. Barefoot, she opens the curtains of her suite a tiny bit, the sky still gray but the sun comes slowly creeping out behind the thin clouds. After all, the weather has been forecasted to be absolutely stunning today. A beautiful summer day. She cannot wait. With her sleeping shorts and her favorite chiefs t-shirt, she checks her phone again, nervously biting her lip as she sees that his location icon and hers are truly closer than close now. She feels her stomach exploding. They're here. It's 6am and they're here.
Just when his latest text comes through is when Taylor can hear a knock on the door. She immediately gets up to open the hotel suite door, smiling ear to ear at what she sees. Brandon from her security team just smiles at her and nods. Travis right behind him, a toddler fully asleep over his shoulder, hanging from him as limp as if she's dead. He's not just got his own backpack hanging from the other shoulder together with a tiny pink backpack full of dinosaurs but also pulls a huge suitcase behind him. Taylor can't help but giggle. He looks exactly as worn out as she expected him to be. Travis then walks in, immediately whispering at her to signal Taylor that they need to be quiet.
"She just fell asleep in the car, I think she needs at few more hours."
Taylor immediately nods, has already taken the rolling suitcase from him. She thanks Brandon with a smile, quietly closes the big hotel room door, trying not to wake the sleeping child. She places his big hard shell suitcase by the wall, then watches adorably as Travis places the little sleepy girl on the small children's bed that the hotel has arranged for her at the end of the room. Taylor immediately steps up, helps Travis by taking off her sneakers and proceeds to pull the little blanket up to cover the small body. Travis just drops both backpacks on the floor, lets out an exhausted breath. He can't wait a second longer, just smiles at the sleepy woman in front of him, shakes his head in anticipation. Oh how long he's waited for this moment. She immediately giggles quietly, falls into his arms and kisses him. She can feel him sighing into her kiss, his tired body immediately relaxing just by the proximity to her. His big arms are swung tightly about her torso and her hands are securely on his stubbly cheek.
"You have no idea how good it is to see you, baby girl." he whispers in between the kisses and she just giggles quietly, clearly trying to contain her excitement to not wake up Wyatt right next to them.
"I've missed you so much, you have no idea." she mumbles, their faces still so close that their noses are touching. He smiles, not saying anything, just taking a good moment to look at her. The smile on his face says it all. He's absolutely and inevitably in love with her. And she loves to feel it with every fiber of her being.
"Did you get any sleep on the flight?"
He shakes his head, tiredly letting his forehead drop onto her left shoulder.
"She was so excited to see Paris and be on a plane. I think she fell asleep thirty minutes before landing."
"Oh gosh, I'm so sorry. You both must be exhausted." she says, gently scruffing the stubbly hair in his neck. He doesn't react and she just turns her head to place a little kiss on his skin.
"Let's sleep a couple more hours. Will be good for the both of you." Taylor whispers and he nods, only slowly letting go of her.
"I'll send a picture of the sleeping beauty to Jason and Ky, I think they're still up terrified that I lost their baby somewhere in Paris." he mumbles, already taking a picture with his phone of Wyatt in her little bed. Taylor smiles, especially because she can definitely envision the both parents dying a thousand deaths while Travis is in charge of their eldest daughter. But Taylor also knows that this is one of the biggest declarations of love and trust that Travis has ever received from his big brother. And that's why he's been so nervous about this trip. That's why he'd do anything to make this trip nothing but magical and memorable for little Wy.
"Yeah let them know you both made it safely here and tell Jason and Kylie I'm taking care of the two of you now, so no need to worry." she jokes and Travis shakes his head pretending to be mad.
"The truth is, that might actually soothe them." he laughs and so does Taylor. She just shakes her head, can't help but hug his arm once more. She's missed him. Oh god, how much she's missed him.
"Stop it. You're an incredible uncle. They trust you deeply, that's why they sent their toddler across the world with you alone."
Travis nods, yawns once more, and proceeds to get rid of his sweatshirt. She can tell, he's definitely too tired for these types of conversations now.
"Shall we go back to bed?"
He nods, stealing her cheek one last kiss before walking past her into the big bathroom. Of course they gave Taylor the most luxurious hotel suite he's ever seen. He didn't expect anything less.
"Wow this is nice."
"I know, right? It's insane." she says, and he yawns some more.
"Want to set a timer for like... eleven? I'll just jump into the shower and then come back to bed, okay?"
She nods, more than happy to get a few hours of sleep herself now.
"Okay. Do you need anything? Water?"
He smiles at her standing in the door frame to the bathroom, just takes off his sweat pants and shakes his head.
"I'm good, baby. Go back to bed. I'll be there in five minutes."
She nods, closes the door gently and takes a few steps back to Wyatt's little bed at the end of her bedroom. She's fast asleep, her little hand moving once. She must be dreaming. And Taylor can't help but smile at her. She looks just like her father. Those Kelce genes seem to be strong in the family. She's also got the same eyebrows as Travis. Taylor gently strokes over the little girl's hair once, then makes her way back to her own bed. She quickly closes the curtains so that the room is dark again. She sets her timer for 11am, thankful for the almost four hours of sleep ahead. A few seconds later, she feels herself get sleepy again, moves to turn around in her big and comfortable bed as soon as she feels the big man crawling under the sheets right next to her. He doesn't say anything, just smiles, opening his arms for her to crawl into. Within a few seconds, Taylor has wrapped both her arms around him, kissing him gently a few times. She loves to be so close again. Finally, after what feels like eternity. And she can't wait for the next days to come. She can't wait to kick off a wonderful summer in Europe together with her favorite person.
"I love you so much, sweetheart." he mumbles onto her lips, and she smiles into one of their kisses, just nodding happily.
"I love you, uncle Trav."

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