Family Matters

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Y/N drove home after his meeting with Mr. Raglin. He drove through the small, suburban neighborhood and pulled up to a small house. He grabbed his bag and walked towards the front door. He stopped when he reached it.

Taped to the door was a delinquency notice. He had failed to meet the child payments again and was issued a notice by the state department. He sighed before opening the door and walking inside.

Y/N made his way inside the house and shut the door behind him. He saw his friend Max sitting on the couch watching TV.

Y/N: Hey, Max. Thanks for babysitting.

Max: There's Stouffer's. Should still be warm if you're hungry.

Y/N grabbed a plate of leftovers and helped himself. Max looked at him for a moment before staring back at the television. The girl had secretly developed a crush on Y/N. She had actually accepted babysitting for him in hopes of getting closer to the man. However, it went nowhere. She continued to look at the TV. It displayed an image of a diamond ring on the shopping channel.

Max: I wish someone would buy me a ring.

Y/N walked back in to talk to her.

Y/N: Did Abby eat?

Max: What do you think?

In her room, Abby was drawing a picture with a set of crayons. There were several drawings lined around her room. Y/N opened the door and saw her doodling.

Y/N: What do we got?

He saw her drawing. It looked like a drawing of himself with a group of kids.

Y/N: Okay. Well, that good-looking guy I recognize. Who are all these other punks?

Abby: My friends. It's not done yet.

Y/N: Well, look, you can finish up after we eat, alright? Come and get some food.

Abby: I'm not hungry.

Y/N: Abby, please, come eat.

She ignored him and continued to draw. Y/N stepped over to her, trying to get her to stop and come get something.

Y/N: Come on. Here. Please come.

Abby: No.

They wrestled over the crayon in her hand for a moment. Y/N then accidentally pulled too hard and snapped it in half. She looked at him, visibly upset. Y/N sighed and turned around. He sat down on her bed.

Y/N: Abs, with the day that I'm having, can you just eat some food?

She looked at him as he sat on the bed.

Abby: You're sitting on my friend.

Y/N looked down at the bed. He put his hands up in defeat. He did not want to deal with this tonight. The young man stood up and walked over to her doorframe.

Y/N: You know what? I don't care. Do whatever you want.

He was about to close her door. He then poked his head back through. He decided to tease her a bit.

Y/N: But you should know what happens to little kids who don't eat their dinners. Their bodies stay the same size forever. And they never get to ride the adult rides at the amusement park. 

Abby looked at him and then back towards the bed. After a moment, she looked back at her brother.

Abby: My friend says you're an idiot.

Y/N: Mmmm. At least I'm real.

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