Choosing What Matters Most

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Y/N drove his car up to the house. He looked into the back seat and saw Abby sleeping peacefully. Getting out of the car, Y/N grabbed her and carried her up to her room. He tucked her into bed and watched her sleep peacefully.

Still collecting his thoughts, Y/N sat down on the chair next to her desk. He didn't know whether to be terrified or skeptical. Ghosts possessing robots. It was insane.

Looking around, Y/N's eyes drifted to Abby's drawings. He stopped when he noticed an odd detail about them. They were of her imaginary friends, but there was something familiar about them. There were four kids all having fun. It was them. The kids from Freddy's. 

Y/N's eyes then fell on another drawing. He froze when he recognized what it was. The drawing depicted a little boy with brown hair sitting in the back of a car. 

Later in the evening, Abby was eating a grilled cheese sandwich Y/N had made her. Her brother watched her as she ate, wanting to ask her something. Y/N took a deep breath and talked to her.

Y/N: Hey, Abby, um, we need to talk about last night, okay? Those machines...

Abby: My friends?

Y/N: Right. Your friends. You know that they're... they're...

Abby: Ghosts?

Y/N: Yeah.

Abby: Of course. How else could they make the robots move?

Y/N: Right.

He was quiet for a moment, thinking. She was taking this a lot better than he was. He then switched to what he wanted to ask her.

Y/N: You know we used to have a brother, right? Garrett.

Abby's face changed. She swallowed hard as her throat became dry.

Y/N: I don't... I don't really talk about him very much

Abby: Neither did Mom or Dad.

Y/N: Yeah, it was hard for them. It's hard for me, too.

Abby shook her head in understanding. She put her hand over Y/N's to try and ease the pain evident in his eyes. He lightly smiled at her before reaching into his pocket and pulling out one of her drawings. It showed the boy in the car.

Y/N: Can you explain this to me? You... you drew that, right?

She nodded her head, confirming his suspicions.

Y/N: Okay, and... and you know what that is?

She nodded again, her eyes falling down. Y/N put his hand on her knee to calm her down.

Y/N: Hey, hey, it's okay. I'm not mad. I won't get angry at you. But I really need you to help me understand, please.

Abby was quiet for a moment. She then elaborated on the drawing.

Abby: It's when Garrett got taken.

Y/N: Abby, who told you about that?

She looked at him.

Abby: They did.

Y/N: Was he with them?

She shrugged, neither confirming nor denying his question.

Abby: He's... different from them.

Y/N: And did they ever tell you anything about the man driving that car? Anything at all? Okay, just think, think really hard, okay?

Five Nights at Freddy's (Male Reader Insert)Where stories live. Discover now