Save Them

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Y/N slowly opened his eyes and looked around. He was laying on a stretcher in some warehouse. His leg was wrapped in gauze alongside his arm. Looking to the side, he saw Abby sleeping on another stretcher.

Looking back at his arm, Y/N slowly tried to peel back the bandage to examine his wound. He was interrupted by a familiar blonde woman walking into the room.

Vanessa: Careful. I managed to stop the bleeding, but you're probably gonna need stitches.

Y/N: What happened?

Vanessa: I came to the restaurant to check on you. When I saw all hell breaking loose, I had to get you two out of there.

Y/N looked over at his sister. She was sleeping with a few cuts and bruises on her body. Vanessa walked over to her and brushed a strand of hair out of her eyes.

Y/N: They tried to kill me, Vanessa. They tried to kill her.

Vanessa: Tell me what happened.

Y/N: In my dream... they asked me for Abby. But I refused.

Vanessa put her head down, visibly upset and concerned for Abby's safety.

Y/N: What do they want with my sister?

Vanessa: They want to make her like them.

Y/N watched her as she sat down. Vanessa looked at Abby before looking back at Y/N.

Vanessa: In the '80s, when those kids went missing... the police searched Freddy's from top to bottom. Every inch was accounted for. But they never found them. The man who took them, he was a... He was a very bad man. A very cruel man. Also a very clever man. He knew that parents would cry, and the police would come looking. And he knew there's one place they'd never think to check because why would they? I mean, why would anyone? It's not just their ghosts that are inside those machines. It's their bodies.

Y/N's blood ran cold and a shiver ran up his spine as she said that. These things were more than just haunted robots. They were reanimated corpses.

Vanessa: You have to understand, the kids, they don't want to hurt anyone. It's him. Something happened when they died. They've forgotten who they are and what happened to them. I guess the trauma was too much to bear. He looks after them. They think he's one of them. So they do what he asks them to do.

Y/N: Who, Vanessa?

She became upset as tears began to roll down her cheeks.

Vanessa: I tried to warn you. I really did try. I told you to get out of there, but you didn't listen. It's too late now. He knows that you know and you're looking for him. He'll be coming.

Y/N: You need to tell me who he is.

Vanessa reached into her back pocket and pulled out an old photograph. She handed it to Y/N. He looked at it closely. There appeared to be a blonde girl, most likely Vanessa when she was about Abby's age. She was standing in the archway in the pizzeria. Next to her stood a tall yellow rabbit.

 Next to her stood a tall yellow rabbit

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