The special offer

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You woke up. As you were praying to God, your phone vibrated. You usually don't get a lot of message's, so it surprised you a bit. After finishing your prayer, you unlocked your phone, and saw it was a text message from Smg4.

Yo, Y/n!

You gotta come to the castle ASAP!

                                                                                              Aight, I'll be there.

You got ready, and headed to the castle. You were wondering what was going on. (Did the stupid Inklings bother them? Hopefully not. Maybe he called me for a good reason.) You were clueless on why he called you. You finally arrived. As you entered, Smg4 immediately noticed you, and sprinted towards you.

Smg4: Y/n! Follow me, you HAVE to see this.

He said very excitingly. You then followed him into his office. Smg4 then boots up his computer, and opens twitter.

Smg4: This really could change your life...

He said smilingly, while scrolling trough his account. (What could possibly happen on twitter that could change my life?) Your thoughts were interrupted by Smg4

Smg4: Here it is! Look.

He showed you a clip. It was a clip on how you dunked on Smg3 a few days ago. You chuckled, because he pretty much got shit on.

Y/n: *chuckled* That's great and all, but what about it?

Smg4 then showed you the stats of the clip. Your jaw dropped.

Y/n: 10 Million likes?!

Smg4 laughed at your reaction.

Smg4: *Laughs* Yeah, and its not the best part!

You were surprised. (What could be better than this?)

Smg4 opened his Dm's and showed you how he was talking to a manager, of a professional D1 Team called, Mushroom Kingdom Knight's.

You just stared at the screen, speechless. This really could change your life, and you may be able to finally escape your past.

Y/n: *shocked* Well, what did he say?!

Smg4 scrolled trough the chat, and showed you how the manager asked questions about you, and how they wanted to talk to you.

Y/n:... no way....

You were just shocked. You didn't expect this at all.

Smg4: They said,  you might have an chance to go D1. You will also have practice 3 times per week.

Y/n: ... What?

The last sentence broke you.

Smg4: What's wrong? Aren't you happy?

Y/n: I can't take that offer...

Smg4: What?! Why?

Y/n: 3 times per week is way to much! I have to work. I can barley pay rent. 

Smg4: Oh shi.... 

You both just stared, sadly, knowing you have to reject an offer which could've changed you life.

???: You can live with me!

Smg4&Y/n: What?

You both turned around and saw Meggy, leaning against the doorway.

Meggy: I said you can live with me. You can't just reject an once in a lifetime offer like that! I'll gladly help.

She smiled at the last sentence she said.

Meggy x Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now