Chapter 1: Welcome to Alfea

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She leaned against the railing of her balcony, staring down at the garden below. The flowers danced with one another as the wind blew lightly, creating a beautiful symphony of colors and scents.

The sun was rising in the distance, casting a warm glow over the scene. It was a peaceful moment of serenity that she cherished. A light knock was heard at her door, interrupting her moment of solitude.

She turned to see her most trusted servant walking inside her room. "Good morning, Delilah," she said with a peaceful smile. "Good morning, Saraiah," Delilah mumbles as she rolls in a cart with tea.

"Your morning tea, just as you like it," Delilah said, setting the tray down on the table. Saraiah thanked her with a nod, grateful for the interruption that brought her back to reality. "Any news or mail that's arrived?" Saraiah asks.

Delilah sighed as she began straightening Saraiah's bed. "You're Alfea acceptance letter has yet to arrive, your highness," she said softly. Saraiah's heart sank at the words. She walked back inside, closing the balcony doors behind her.

"You knew that I applied?" Saraiah whispers. " Yes, I overheard your conversation with the messenger a month ago," Delilah admitted, avoiding Saraiah's gaze. Saraiah's mind raced with thoughts of rejection and disappointment as she sat down at the table, her tea untouched.

Delilah placed a comforting hand on Saraiah's shoulder, offering her a reassuring smile. "Don't lose hope; your acceptance letter could still be on its way," she said gently. Saraiah nodded, grateful for Delilah's support, and took a deep breath to calm her nerves before picking up her tea and taking a sip.

"I'm just a little nervous," she confessed, her voice barely above a whisper. Delilah squeezed her shoulder gently, understanding the weight of uncertainty that Saraiah carried. "You are one of the best fairies I've met in a while; I'm sure you'll get in," she said with a smile.

"Thank you," Saraiah says as she looks up at Delilah. The bedroom door opens once more, and a butler walks in. "Her Majesty the Queen wishes to see you immediately," he announced, causing Saraiah's heart to race with anticipation.

Delilah gave her a reassuring nod before she stood up and followed the butler out of the room, ready to face whatever her mother had to say. As she walked down the hallway, Saraiah tried to calm her nerves, wondering what her mother could possibly want from her.

Was she in trouble? Or was this about something else entirely? Saraiah took a deep breath and prepared herself for whatever as she walked into the throne room, lightly stepping closer to her mother and father.

Queen Vera's expression was unreadable as Saraiah approached, making her anxiety spike even more. "Good morning, my dear," King Daniel said with a slight smile, causing Saraiah to relax slightly.

"I have an important matter to discuss with you," the queen said, her tone serious. Saraiah's heart raced as she waited for her mother to speak, unsure of what was to come next. "What did you want to speak to me about?" Saraiah questions.

Queen Vera held her hand out, and a servant walked over and placed a letter in the palm of her hand. The queen's eyes bore into Saraiah's as she opened the letter, her expression still inscrutable.

"Good morning, Princess Saraiah of Syrinx. We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted into Alfea College for Fairies." Saraiah's eyes widened in shock as her mother read the contents of the letter.

Queen Vera released a deep sigh before letting the letter fall to the ground. "I explicitly told you not to apply. This is not the path we had planned for you," the queen said sternly. Saraiah's heart sank as she realized her mother's statement.

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