Chapter 2: How it Starts

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The five girls had spent the last two and a half hours getting to know one another and had already formed great bonds. As they laughed and shared stories, it was clear that their friendship was off to a strong start. The genuine connections they had made in such a short amount of time left them excited for the school year ahead.

"Wait," Alessi said, taking a sip of her soda through the straw. "Syrinx has been living peacefully for over 200 years. No civil disobedience or anything?" Saraiah nods her head. "Yeah, it's always been quiet in Syrinx," Saraiah replied.

"Trust me, you won't see anything bad going on in Syrinx. My parents and I went to visit once, and it was nothing but peace. It was actually kind of boring." Lucielle says, gracefully taking a bite of her pizza.

"It's a shame that not all the planets in the magic dimension are like that. There's been so much chaos happening on other planets." Rebecca states. Saraiah nods her head in agreement. "That's one thing that I can applaud my parents on. They're amazing rulers and know how to keep a kingdom flourishing."

"Oh my god, you should totally invite us over to your palace one day and give us a tour!" Alessi exclaims. "I would love to see how royalty lives," she adds with a grin. Saraiah smiles and says, "I'll talk to my parents about it. I'm sure they wouldn't mind too much."

Saraiah looks over at Karma and notices her just staring at her phone. "Enough about Syrinx; how's everyone adjusting to Alfea?" Karma looks up from her phone and shrugs. "It's definitely different, but I think I'll get used to it," she replies.

Alessi smiles brightly at the mention of Alfea. "I'm literally so excited to start classes tomorrow. I can't wait to meet all my teachers and start learning about everything." Lucielle lets out a playful scoff.

"You're such a nerd, Alessi," she teases, causing everyone to laugh. Alessi rolls her eyes and playfully shoves Lucielle's shoulder. "I'm pretty neutral about starting classes. I just hope they're not too boring," she admits with a grin.

"I'm personally excited for defensive magic. I heard it's one of the most challenging but rewarding classes at Alfea," Rebecca chimes in, eager to share her own thoughts on the upcoming classes. "I heard naturology was a great class." Saraiah adds.

"What class are you excited for, Karma?" Lucielle asks, turning her attention towards the silent girl. " I'm actually looking forward to metamorphosis," Karma replies softly, a small smile playing on her lips.

"I've always found it cool how one can change their appearance at will." "I agree; metamorphosis is definitely intriguing," Lucielle responds, nodding in agreement with Karma's choice. "I think it'll be a fun challenge to master that kind of magic."

"Oh my god, we need to compare our schedules!" Alessi exclaims. "You're so right!" Lucielle says cheerfully. The five girls pull up the holographic images with their schedules on them. They start discussing their classes and extracurricular activities, excited to see if they have any overlapping interests or free time to hang out together.

"Guys, we could totally be like the Winx, but without all the world saving shenanigans." Rebecca jokes. The girls laugh at Rebecca's comment, imagining themselves as a modern-day version of the Winx Club.

"What would we be called?" Karma asks. The girls begin brainstorming ideas for a group name, laughing at each one as they go. After several ridiculous suggestions, Saraiah suddenly exclaimed, "I've got it! The Adorix Club " The girls all cheered in agreement, thrilled with their new group name.

"Now that we've got that settled, who's up for a bit of shopping?" Alessi asks, eager to continue their fun day together. The girls all agree enthusiastically, excited for some retail therapy and bonding time as the Adorix Club.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01 ⏰

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