A very tired leader

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CHARACTER: 2018 Raphael Hamato, Mona

CATEGORY: Angst, fluff at the end

REQUESTED BY: justkillmeplease_09

SHIP: Mona x Raphael

SUMMARY: Raphael is tired of his role as the big brother and leader.

"Dealing with you is what's so hard about being leader!" He felt the words slip out of his mouth. Shit. He sees his brothers freeze as he yells at them for the first time ever, but now, he can't stop himself. "It is so tiring being the oldest! I try to get yall to listen to me, but you never do! Im sick of it!" He yells. Before they can say anything, he storms off, unable to look at them right now.

No one's POV:

When Splinter told him he was gonna be the leader, Raphael was more than a bit hesitant to accept. After a bit of pressure from Splinter, he accepted his fate, trying to see all the good things in being the leader. The thought of being looked up to, and more importantly, being a hero, was something to look up to for him. He settled into his role as leader, bossing around his younger siblings and making sure they were safe with a bit of pride.

But now, it felt so much more difficult. Raphael felt himself getting more and more burnt out as the days went by. Leo was always impulsive and loud, Donnie was always withdrawn, and at times, rude. But now Mikey was starting to become more independent, which wasn't a bad thing, but what was bad was how he wanted to go on solo missions long before he was ready.

Raphael couldn't stand how Mikey thought he was all grown up despite only being 14. Now, he was already in another fight with Leo. Nothing serious, just some back and fourth bickering, though it quickly started to heat up. Raphael was getting tired of repeating the same stuff to his brothers. "Can you please spend some time with us?" He'd say to Donnie. "Can you please listen to me?" he'd say to Leo, "Can you please be serious?" He'd say to Mikey. He couldn't stay focused. The longer this bickering went on, the angrier Raphael got. He felt unheard and unseen. But worst of all, he felt used. He felt like he had been bullied into this role of lead by Splinter.

"You just don't get it, Leo. It's my job to keep you safe. It's my job to keep all of you safe." Raphael said to Leo with a scowl. Leo was not paying attention. "Sorry, what was that?" Leo asked as he looked up from his comic, a grin on his face. He wasn't sorry. He was just being a smartass. Raphael let out a sigh, trying to pull himself together. "But, honestly, what's so hard about being leader?" Leo said, his eyes going back down to his comic, not even bothering to look at Raphael if he answered. Raphael couldn't do it anymore. He couldn't do this anymore.

"Dealing with you is what's so hard about being leader!" He felt the words slip out of his mouth. Shit. He sees his brothers freeze as he yells at them for the first time ever, but now, he can't stop himself. "It is so tiring being the oldest! I try to get yall to listen to me, but you never do! I'm sick of it!" He yells. Before they can say anything, he storms off, unable to look at them right now.

He storms out of the sewers and up to a rooftop. He doesn't want to think about his brothers, or Splinter, or how much he hates his role as leader. But he can't. Those were the main components of his life. He had nothing else to think about other than the foot clan, and he definitely didn't want to think about them. He watched the people below him. They did it all so casually, all so well. They sat outside mediocre coffee and antique furniture shops without a care in the world. Humans always made it look so easy.

"Hmm.. a mutant?" He heard a voice say behind him, making him jump. He turned around to see what looked to be some sort of salamander mutant, at least, that's what she looked to be. But that didn't matter to Raphael. This girl was beautiful. She was angelic. "Oh, I didn't mean to startle you," She smiled, coming to sit down next to him. "It's fine, I guess I wasn't expecting to see anyone else up here." Raphael said.

She just smiled, making his heart pound in his chest. She looked so elegant and effortless. "I'm Raphael, Hamato, it's nice to meet you," Raphael introduced himself, feeling a bit embarrassed. Was he doing this right? The last time he had to officially introduce himself to anyone was April, and that was so long ago that he couldn't remember how that went.

"And what's your name?" He asked the beautiful girl in front of him. He wondered if she could hear his heart pounding because he definitely could. She seemed to think about the question for a few seconds before answering. "You can just call me Mona," She said. They talked for what felt like forever. His heart melted, as he now had another big component in his life.


WORD COUNT: 902 words

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