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I came back from my day job, went into my house and dropped my stuff to the ground. Just as I was about to relax, my phone rang and it was my nighttime boss. I sighed heavily, answered it and spoke.

"What is it, Namjoon? I was just about to sit down..."

"Sorry, Taehyung but you're needed for a mission. I have your new target."

"Who is it?"

"You should know her, she goes by Dark Angel."

I raised an eyebrow, "I might have heard of her."

"How can you not? She's a pretty well known assassin, like you."

"Guess will see then, won't we? Where is she going to be?"

"She'll be at that high end hotel every criminal has gone too."

"And died."

"Right, can I trust you with this one?"

"Of course, can I ask what she did?"

Namjoon sighed, "Isn't obvious? She's killed A LOT of important people."

"How important?"

"VERY important. Now get going, she'll be there very soon..."

I raised an eyebrow, "How do you know that?"

"Just trust me, Taehyung. You need to go, you're wasting precious time."

"Alright, alright. I'll go, talk to you later." and hung up.

I sighed again as I quickly changed and grabbed my knife. I do know that name and I have a bad feeling it's someone who I know very well. I could be right but I hope I'm wrong...I don't want to run into that person, it'll be too much.

I put my knife into my pocket, ran my fingers through my hair and and ran out into the night. I dashed up walls, jumped onto roofs as I made my way to that hotel, I can't believe she's going to be there. It's always over ran with criminals of every kind...hopefully it really is just her I need to take care of.

Buildings became smaller as roofs got bigger and I finally found the hotel I was looking for. I quickly ran to it, jumped onto the roof and down and made my way to the back entrance. I froze when I saw the door was already open and pulled my knife out right away.

"She is here...Damn, Namjoon was right...interesting."

I quickly ran up the stairs and came to another sudden stop. The sound of the elevator went off and I had to take charge. I pushed the door open, ran down the hall and up the stairs all the way to the top floor. I have a feeling she's going to be there...

I came to the top floor just as the elevator dinged and opened up. I quickly hid in the nearest dark corner and watched who came off it. Soon as I saw her, my eyes went wide...I knew exactly who she was.


She started sneaking her way all over the top floor, looking for me and I couldn't help but stare at her. She's grown up so much, she's so beautiful now...how am I going to do this?

You have to put on an act Taehyung...no matter how much it hurts.

I watched as her honey hair bounced around her shoulders and how her black dress fit her every curve. My mind raced back to that one night and my heart sank...I bet she thinks I didn't mean any of it, she couldn't be more wrong. I quickly shook that out of mind as she kept looking around and I made a sudden move.

She froze mid step instantly, bit down on her lip and slowly pulled out her dual knives. She really did stick with those...good for you Annabelle and now...I'm sorry for what's about to happen.

Dark AngelWhere stories live. Discover now