Dance With the Devil

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I stood there in the middle, frozen as Ethan eyed me up and down and I crossed my arms under my breasts. Silence lingered as my heart raced, expecting the worse and he finally spoke, sending chills up and down my spine.

"You seem very familiar, young lady...have we met before?"

"You must be confusing me with someone else, I've never seen you before."

He slowly moved towards me then as I walked backward and the back of my legs smacked into the couch in the private room.

"Are you sure? Why are you backing away from me then?"

"Like I said...I don't know you. What did you need me for again?"

His smirk was back, "To get to know you of course, is that so wrong?"

My body shivered in fear, "Depends on how you want to get to know me."

His smirk widened as fear took over my heart and I dropped my arms. He closed the space between us, bringing his hand to my face as I hiddenly grabbed onto one of my knives in my garter and got ready to stab him.

Hate filled his eyes as I slowly pulled it out and he noticed instantly. Within seconds he shoved me down to the couch, sending my knife flying out of my hand and he pulled me up by the arm. Before he could speak, my eyes went dark and I elbowed him hard upward into his face, he stumbled back.


I got into my combat mode, pulling out my second knife as his hateful eyes locked with mine and spit blood out from his lips. He went in for another attack and I jumped back before he could even land a hit. He was angry now and he charged for a third time.

My knife went flying backwards again as he shoved me hard to the ground and held me down. He pinned me tight by my wrists as I struggled hard under him and he wasn't going to stop. That's when his evil smirk was back and I struggled harder.

" are familiar, I know those knives anywhere! What a pleasant surprise Annabelle Crown or should I say, Dark Angel!"

My eyes went wide, "How can you possibly know who I am after all these years?!"

"I always keep a close eye on my special subjects, even after they leave my institution."

"Subjects? We're human people!"

"And you think I care? I made so much money off the black market, you all were nothing to me!"

I fought against him again, "Let me go!"

His grip tightened around me, tight enough to cut off my circulation if he continued and my heart pounded hard.

"Do you remember that mysterious call you received?"

My eyes went wider, it fucking was him! DAMN IT!

"It was you, wasn't it!"

"Of course it was Annabelle! Your BOSS needed to die, he still does and it's a shame he's still here!"

"Why did you fucking call me? He had to stop you that day!"

He leaned forward, squeezing my wrists as tight as he possibly could, nearly breaking them and tears started to bubble in my eyes.

"Just like your lover V had to? Those two idiots couldn't keep their noses out of shit that wasn't theirs!"

"YOU JACKASS! What is fucking wrong with you?! They caught you doing business deals you weren't suppose to be!"

"And they have to pay for it, because of them I almost lost my business! Thanks to my proposition though, they gave me another chance."

Tears were running down my cheeks now, angry ones and he didn't give a shit. Thats when he let go of my wrists, only to pull me up halfway by them and pinned them behind my back.

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