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I struggled to get out of bed today, all because of what happened with Taehyung and then Yoongi. I tossed and turned in bed as left over stormy weather danced in the morning sky and I turned onto my back, looking up at the ceiling. I'm so glad it's the weekend...because I don't think I could face Kat right now.

I let out a tired sigh as I slowly sat up, moved my legs out from under the covers and got out of bed. I ran my fingers through my hair, picked up my scattered knife from last night and put it back where I hid it in the bathroom. I quickly dressed, throwing on leggings and an over the shoulder tee.

I went out of my bedroom, to the kitchen and made myself a cup of hot coffee and breakfast. I sat there eating in silence as Yoongi's words ran through my head, because today...I need to stake out Taehyung even if it's just for a little bit.

I sighed, finished my breakfast and put my dishes into the sink. I grabbed my coffee off the table, went to my living room and sat down on the couch. I took a long sip of my coffee as I mentally prepared myself for today and turned out the window.

Sudden vibration against my butt made me almost spit out my coffee and dump it. I place the cup down on the table, pulled my phone out and picked it up.


"Annabelle! I'm glad I caught you, are you free today?" asked Kat.

I sighed, "No, I'm not."

"Awe, why not? Is Yoongi making you work overtime?"

"You could say that."

"But it's Saturday...I know I'm your daytime boss but I'm also your friend and I wanted to go shopping with you today..."

"That does sound fun but I'm sorry Kat...Yoongi really does need me."

"Damn...well if you get off earlier give me a call. I'll be going in a few hours."

"Alright, I'll keep that in mind."

She sighed, "Talk to you later Annabelle and be careful out there." and hung up.

I put my phone back in my pocket, finished my coffee and took it back to the kitchen. I quickly put on my shoes, grabbed my purse and keys and made my way to the front door. I stepped out into the mid summer day, locked the house and went to my car.

I got in, started it and made my way down to the nearest park. Sunlight caressed my tired cheeks as soft wind blew and cars zoomed passed me on the road. I came up to the park twenty minutes later, parked the car and got out. I made my way down the stoney path, leading out of the trees and onto the back alleyways of the streets, the exact ones near the high end hotel.

I climbed up the nearest building, hid myself on the roof and started to watch for any sign of Taehyung. Two hours passed and I still saw nothing and I was about to give up when a tall shadow came down the alleyway. My eyes went wide as I hid lower on the roof and watched from afar.

It was for sure Taehyung, I'd know that height anywhere. I watched as he walked to the nearest building, leaned up against the wall and stared up at the morning sky. I needed to get closer to him, I needed to see him outside his assassin persona.

I quickly and quietly, jumped from roof to roof and landed on the building he was leaning up against. I laid down flat on my stomach, inched my way to the edge and moved my eyes down to him. Sudden heat rushed against my cheeks, he's way more handsome than he was back then.

His dark hair, brown eyes and his side profile like no other. His toned figure, long fingers and those sweet lips that kissed me way back when. The way his eyes hooded over as he looked up at the sky, a small boxy smile hanging on those lips I loved so much...

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