9. Chapter Nine

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Uncertain about how to react to his Alpha, Jin felt an overwhelming feeling of fear as he saw the intense anger in his eyes. He knew that his Alpha's threat was very real, as he could feel the force and pressure of Taehyung's fingers gripping his jaw.

Jin's hands trembled as he slowly attempted to free the bracelet from his wrist. He was unaware of the difficulty involved in removing it until that moment, and it seemed to resist his efforts as he tried to take it off. As he worked to remove the bracelet from his wrist, he accidentally pierced his finger. However, relief washed over him once the bracelet was finally free.

Taehyung couldn't tear his eyes away, his anger growing as he dwelled on his Omega's actions with another Alpha. Being his Omega, Jin understood this and realized that his words alone wouldn't be enough to ease Taehyung's assumptions.

"You have free access to my thoughts right now. I am not thinking of anyone other than you, my Alpha. I have no reason to do what I know is wrong." Jin's voice was gentle and calm as he spoke, his gaze fixed on his Alpha's eyes.

Taehyung reached out and grabbed Jin's neck, keeping a tight grip as he maintained an intense stare.

As Jin felt Taehyung's hand finally relax, a sense of relief washed over him. However, a sudden rush of emotions flooded his heart, causing it to beat faster. A vivid memory of his father appeared in his mind's eyes. It was a peculiar memory, as he saw himself as a baby, gazing into his father's eyes. At that moment, he became aware of the unfolding situation and quickly secured the bracelet around his wrist. His fingers instinctively wrapped around it, ensuring a firm grip as he distanced himself from his Alpha.

Taehyung's gaze hardened as he confronted his Omega, asserting, "I have a right to access your memories. Do I need to remind you that I am the Alpha!"

Jin glanced downward and apologized, "I'm sorry, but the late King made it clear that you aren't allowed to do that, my Alpha."

"Don't call me your Alpha!" Taehyung shouted. Instantly frustrated by Jin's decision, he realized his father's rules were being used against him.

"I am sorry..." Jin's words were cut off abruptly as Taehyung forcefully grabbed him around the waist, his fingers digging into his skin. "Let this be the last time you try to tell me what I am allowed or not to do."

Jin winced in discomfort, his body aching from Taehyung's firm grip. He murmured another apology, his head drooping as he sought solace against his Alpha's shoulder. Tears streamed down his face, a silent testament to his pain.

Jin's sudden change in posture prompted Taehyung to release his hold, allowing his hands to fall to his sides. He remained motionless, his Omega nestled against him.

He found himself engulfed in the weight of his Omega's presence, a burden that washed over him. The sadness and anguish originating from his Omega drained his energy, yearning for comfort and understanding.

Feeling the subtle change in his Omega's energy and detecting an improved lightness in the weight of his body, Taehyung instinctively wrapped his arm around him and guided him out of the office and into the room.

Upon witnessing the absence of any recent thoughts about Yoongi in his Omega's mind, he chose to provide support during his heat. However, denying him access to his memories, Taehyung believed that his Omega had warranted some punishment.

He wasn't Yoongi and wouldn't let anyone take advantage of him. From what he had observed, his Omega had some serious manipulation skills.


Jimin felt uneasy as he glanced at his Alpha, unable to understand the weird expression on his Alpha's face.

"Are you upset?"

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