Chapter 4 : Desert Bloom

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~Haruki's POV~

Me, Dracon, and Aishen have been traveling for a while now, and you could say that we've gotten a bit.. closer? Is that the right term for that? Well anyway, we have come a cross a desert, and its not like the usual deserts in my world, but its surprisingly cold, and since it was so wide, we have to camp out for the whole night, well, that's when a desert becomes colder. Oh no, what if we get a cold? This might be bad..

" Whew! Done setting up the tent! " I said in a loud and relieved tone.

" Yeah.. it was really a difficult task.. " Aishen said sounding not a bit tired but just lazing around.

" Well, it WAS difficult because a certain somebody didn't try to help! " I gritted my teeth.

" But you didn't ask for help. You look like a barbaric woman anyway-- UGUH " I threw him my bag and he fell down.

" Who's the barbaric woman?!? " I shouted at him while pointing.

" Dra! " Dracon jumped between us, and of course I stopped.

" What's the problem Dracon? " I tilted my head, with a bit of worry in my tone.

" Dra.. " His wings pointed to a dark region of the desert, there we heard weird noises.

" What is that sound? " Aishen got up, and looked at the direction of the sound. " I'll go check it out. "

" W-Wait!! I'm coming with you! " I ran to him and Dracon did so too.

" Dra.. dra.. " As we gotten closer, the sound was getting more eerie. " Dra! " Dracon shouted.

'' EGGGHHHHHHH '' We heard painful groaning, and of course we got startled, but Aishen kept on going, so I had to follow him. I've always been scared of these kinds of sounds.. and it sounds a bit too scary... like.. a mons...ter...?

" Dra! Dra! " Dracon shook in fear as Aishen was nowhere to be seen, and I was just standing there all frozen.

" EEEHHHHGGGGGGHHH " A huge, ogre-like monster appeared before me.. carrying a big club with him..

" Wha.... " My eyes just didn't blink, I didn't move, its as if I was entirely made to stone.

" Dra!! " Dracon was pulling my leg with his mouth, trying to pull me away, but I really can't move.. it feels so numb!

" No.. " I lowered my head, and I muttered, " Ai...shen... *tasukete. " [**Save me in Japanese.]

" GAAAAAHHHH " Someone screamed, and he came from above and kicked the monster, making it fall down and faint.

" Huh?! " My eyes widened, and I took a long look at the shadow, it was non other than...

" Did you order a hero? " Aishen.

" ....ugu.... " I lowered my head and I started to cry, I was so happy... but I didn't know the entire reason why.

" Hey, hey, are you hurt anywhere? " He approached me and covered me with his two arms.

" *Baka! You idiot Aishen! " I came close and punched him multiple times softly as I was crying. [**Idiot in Japanese.]

" Dra... " Dracon came close with a happy smile. And we all came back to finally call it a day.

~Aishen's POV~

Well, that was surprising, the barbaric woman, crying just because of that? Well, she must've been scared since that bastard was freaking huge. But, it was kinda felt good. So this is what it feels to be a hero? All the women come to you. Right now, I'm just enjoying the cold scenery of the desert, its dark, but peaceful. But I'm starting to fall asleep...

" Woah, you were about to fall. " Haruki came in, and she stopped me from falling.

" Yeah, thanks. I was starting to fall asleep. " I stood straight again, and watched Haruki sit down with me.

" Its amazing though, the desert isn't as cold as when the sun as up. " She looked at the moon. " Its peaceful. "

" I think so too. " I closed my eyes and looked at the moon with her.

" Oh, Aishen, thanks for saving me back there. " She faced me and smiled tenderly.


" What? " My eyes widen and I put my hand to my chest.

" Huh? What's wrong? " Haruki seemed worried, so she put her hand on my chest to check.


" Don't touch me! " I smacked her hand away, and she was shocked and confused.

" Aishen, what's going on? " She tilted her head with worry, " Please let me help. "

" No, I don't need help.. I'll just sleep this away. " I brushed her off, looking away.

" Alright then.. you can sleep beside me and Dracon. " She opened up the tent.


" EH?! " I moved away, " I can't sleep with you! "

" Ehh?! " She blushed, " I-I-I didn't mean it like that! " She screamed, " I just.. its.. its just its cold tonight! "

" N-No thanks. " I sighed. " Just go to sleep. "

" S-Sure.. " She said silently, and went inside the tent, " Be sure to not sleep outside. "

I turned to the moon again, and I just looked up silently, without a word, I held my chest, its still beating faster than ever before. Damnit.

Okay! End of chapter 4! I know.. its been a long time since I've updated this book, maybe a year ago? Wow, that's already a long time! Well, if you enjoyed this chapter, and willing for more, then please comment! Oh yeah, for now its about the romance of Haruki and Aishen, but the action and fantasy would take its turn soon! I should give more spotlight to Dracon, he didn't get so much lines.. oh well.. sorry. Tehee.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2015 ⏰

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