Chapter 2 : New Partner

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~Haruki's POV~

Dracon and I were strolling down an empty lane, the two of us kept our eyes opened for any bad guys. We were about to exit the lane when we crossed an old abandoned mansion, and it was huge. Dracon pointed at the door of the mansion telling us to look inside.

" Dra, dra!! " Dracon pointed while he rode in my shoulder again,

" Fine, fine, just a peek, okay? "

" Dra, dra~! " He pulled me arm and we went inside,

The mansion had 4 floors, bigger than it looked on the outside. Me and Dracon split up, to go search around. I was looking at the living room and saw candles lit up. " Does someone live here? " I said to myself, I went closer and saw an old bed,

" Someone must be living in here! " I exclaimed,

" Dra, Dra!! " Dracon shouted, coming from the kitchen,

I rushed to him, worrying what could happen bad to him. As I reached the kitchen, I saw a hodded man, electricity coming from his hand, and he had a lightning mark on his arm. " Hey!! Let him go! " I shouted, then fire came out,

" Take this! " I blasted fire at his hand, making the lighting stop,

He turned to me, but I couldn't see his face, he was wearing a dark blue hood, with a cape. The shadow was covering his face, great, now I don't even know him.

" Theres another one too?! " he created lighting again from his hand, aiming it at me,

" Dra, Dra, Dra!! " Dracon flew up to him and spitted little fire at him, making him to get burned,

" ARRRGHHH!! " he shouted in pain, holding his face,

" Sorry about that, but don't hurt Dracon!! " I said, while Dracon was behind me,

He removed his hood, and OMG, he looked so hot, he had blonde hair and brown-eyes, and a lighting mark on his hair. But that didn't affect me, I was prone to cute guys, I stood there, having fire coming out of my hand, and a little on my arms and legs. My eyes where like a dragon's and my teeth was sharper than a knife.

" Then don't trespass into my domain. " he said holding his burned area,

" Sorry, then we sould leave now. " I sighed, going out the mansion, " Please excuse us. "

" Wait, " he said, holding my hand, and Dracon was growling, " My name is Aishen, Hitori. " he lets go of my hand,

" Then I am Haruki Kororo, " I said, crossing my arms, " I better leave now. "

" So, your not affected by my charms? " he smirked, and I laughed,

" What do you mean?! With THAT face?! Hah! " I joked and turned around,

~Aishen's POV~

Seriously, this girl, is so annoying. Calling me ugly? Well, I am impressed that shes the only girl that isn't affected, but I will try to get her too. Hmm..... I was getting lonely and bored here at this mansion, I better go out more often.

" How about we become partners? " I asked her, the dragon was still mad at me,

" Why? "

" I need to go exercise, and Im bored! " I streched my arms,

" Wow, you just want to get off your boredom by joining me? " she smirked,

" Exactly, I need some fun, and I need to steal your heart too. "

" And why is that? " she asked,

" I like you alot, " I lied, " You are very cute, in a way. " the cute part was a little true,

" In a way? Fine, you join, but I'm not going to fall for you, " she snorted and headed out,

" I'll make you fall for me, whatever you say. " I looked at that dragon that had been sending glares at me,

I still was angry about the ' burning my face off thing ', that annoying girl, and her dragon. I just ignored the glares of that dragon, it was scary. She is ' CUTE ' but, I guess she's one of the ones to turn a man down, by just meeting them. She's playing hard to get, I'll join the game.

That was the end of Chapter 2!! Please tell me if you enjoyed it, Leave a comment. Thanks for the help you guys gave been giving me, and thanks to my followers, Please continue to vote, comment and share to your awesome friends this very weird yet funny story!! All credits made by My cousin!! I have bothing to say, but lets see who gets to be the No. 1 person in my list!! BYAA~<3

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