Chapter 1 : New World

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~Haruki's POV~

I opened the chest and saw a very bright beam, I covered my eyes from the brightness, and I tried to see what was inside. After the beam, I saw a red book with a gold pheonix in it, I held it and heard different sounds, { HIFICK, HIFICK, HIFICK } I heard hissing sounds, and finally, a pheonix roar.

" W-what is this?! " I dropped the book and covered my face,

The book opened a very very bright aura, and it spreaded the whole Earth, I fell and didn't know I fell asleep, I had a dream, a man that had a covered face, put his hand out to me, I saw disasters, and bad things.

He told me to pick one power element, called the ' YOZU ', he showed different element, there was water, fire, wind, earth, electricity and so much more, I didn't know what to choose, so, the man chose for me.

" I WILL GIVE YOU THE ELEMENT, FIRE!! " he started to spit out fire and different kinds of form of fire started to show,

My eyes started to glow dark red, showing fire. I started to shout, " HELP ME!! " but no one was there. I flew high above the ground, I didn't see anything, only the dark, and fire. " Why is this happening to me? " I said to myself,

" YOU HELD THE BOOK, AND YOU ARE THE CHOSEN ONE. " the man said, as he strached his arms and the whole Earth showed up again, but, didferent.

" What is happening? " I said, putting my hands in my ears,

The Earth I once knew was different, there were different kinds of animals, the people had powers, and so did I.

I tried to search for my home, and there I saw it, hanging from a big tree, " Mom!! Are you there?! " I shouted,

" Dear, what did I tell you about shouting? " My mom came down, having small fairy wings hanging at her back,

" Mom, why are you like that? " I said, looking at her wings,

" What do you mean? I've always been like this. " she said, laughing, and then flying up to our tree house,

I have no idea what happened to this world, I think that man has something to do with this, huh, he gave me fire powers, and what is this outfit I'm wearing? " I'm like, half naked!! " . What?! I was half naked, having to wear a metal top with a pheonix carving on it, and a short/skirt, I don't know.

" I wonder if I could use this powers... " I reached out my hand, aiming at a tree, suddenly, fire came out!!

" Haruki!! Geez, don't burn our house, this is the 2nd time!! " mom said, flying down,

" Sorry, I'm not well-practiced. " I said, scratching my head,

" Akiro!! Help me please!! " mom shouted Akiro's name, then the lakes started going up,

Akiro came out of the water, Im guessing he's a water element, but he's still the same Akiro, but with blue zodiac signs in his leg, and cool marking of a sea dragon on his arm. " Haruki? "

" What is it? Aki-Aki-san? " I said, tilting my head,

" Don't call me Aki-Aki-san, what is your answer? " he said, blushing a bit,

" Is it the confession? " I said, going nearer at him,

He blushes harder, " Yeah...that one. The last time I confessed, you tried to burn me...and you said you'll think about it. "

' Okay, I just have to play along with this.... ' " Yeah, sorry about that.....I'm sorry Akiro... but my answer is no. "

He froze, like ice. He just said, " Ok... " and then went back to the water,

Sorry Akiro, I really am not ready for a relationship right now, only friends will be alright. I just stood up and walked, to a rocky path, so I cant burn things, I am still not used to my powers, and I have to find that man again. But I'll need some help from the people here, is someone even here, trapped just like me?

I was walking down slowly, then I heard a noise coming from my back. " Maybe its just the wind. Nevermind that. " I turned around again, walking while kicking a rock, back and fort. Then I heard it again, that noise, this time, I was sure it wasn't the wind, I snooped by the sound, at the rocks.

" Hello? Is someone there? " I held the rock, coming closer,

Then, a egg was about to hatch!! The egg was very extra ordinary, it had a blood-red background and red-orange stripes, I carried it to a safer spot, where it wouldn't get hurt, I placed it on a pile of branches and leaves, guearding it in any sign of danger.

I heard another rattling sound, this time, there was a ' HISSING ' sound coming from the pile of big rocks, It was a very huge rattlesnake!! It looked like a viper and a rattlesnake combined, so I'll call it the RattleViperSnake, I don't know. It was about to eat the egg, but luckly, I saved it from, That.

The snake hisses and goes closer, as I tried to figure out how to use my fire, I shaked my hand again and again, but nothing went out. The snake got closer to the hatching egg, as I tried to run for the egg, the snake slided to the egg rapidly, before it could even swallow the egg, I shouted, " NO!! GET AWAY!! " then a huge flame came out from my hand, hitting the snake and the egg.

" The egg!! " I screamed, coming closer to the egg,

The snake ran away, and never came back. I reached up to the egg, seeing there a small crack. " What is this? " I was tearing up, the egg started to move again, and it cracked. A red baby dragon appeared before my eyes, it was very adorable, it started crying fire tears and I wiped it off.

" Awww.... " I petted it on its head and let it sleep on my shoulder, " I think I should name you Dracon. " I said, smiling and walking ro continue my journey.

Thats the end of our chapter 1!! Sorry for the late update, gonna update other stories soon!! Please be sure to cote, comment and share to your awesomely weird friends this story!! Do you think this story is good? Comment how many stars would you rate this story!! BYAA~<3

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