Chapter 1

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One year later...

"Peter!" Kitty Unum called out. "Come on, wake up! You're gonna be late for school!" Peter tossed and turned on his bed, clearly not wanting to get up. He was tired. His room was seldom blank. He laid on the ground instead of his bed. He had his bed next to the window and a flat screen across from it. But, that was all. Aside from a messy closet.

"Peter, you asshole!" Peter's brother, Hogarth, yelled. "Get the fuck up before I pull you out! Much as I hate school, we can't be late!"

"All right, I'm coming!" Peter shouted back. "Quite being such a prick!"

"Watch your language, you two!" Peter's Father, James, called out. "Or both of you are gonna sit in your rooms all damn day."

"Yes, Dad..." Hogarth sighed. Peter sighed himself. He slowly got up from the floor. He only had underwear on. Nothing else. He opened his closet and put on a blue t-shirt with black shorts and white shoes and walked out the door and down the stairs and into the kitchen.

"'Bout time you got up, kid." James said at the kitchen which looked really clean and messy at the same time which didn't make sense to Peter. "You kids really need to get up earlier instead of just laying around. Breakfast is ready." James put a small plate of pancakes on the table and Peter sat down at the table along with Hogarth and his little sister, Cassidy, and simply stared at it. Hogarth had a long shaggy hairdo and had the clothing of an aspiring rock star. Ever since he was a little kid, all he could think about was his old favorite band KISS. He looks up to them as his idols.

Cassidy Unum was seldom smart. She always studies and can be somewhat overprotective of her brothers despite being the youngest. She was also the family smart-ass. She had blonde hair and was called by many boys at school a "parents' wet dream." She dreamed of being a writer until she watched the movie, Misery, which discouraged her writing dream.

And, Peter Unum was a slightly awkward and cynical teen. He had clean black hair and small mustache hairs over his lip. He never had any hopes and dreams in life and was always called "pretty boring" by his family. He didn't care cause he liked boring. Though he was a good student, he sucked at Social Studies and P.E. And always had to talk to his parents about it. He has a crush on the new girl in school, Sarah K. Morland, and always tried his best to make time for seeing her. He and Hogarth used to be close until they reached puberty. They still make time for each other, though they always get on each others' nerves.

"Didn't we have pancakes yesterday?" Peter asked his Father, still staring at his pancakes. "And the day before that? I mean, couldn't you do better than this, Dad?"

"Hey, I'm on a tight budget here." James said, giving Peter the skunk eye. "Now, eat up before it gets cold. And, PLEASE start waking up more grateful." Peter slowly stuffed pieces of pancakes into his mouth.

"Mmmm, the chocolate is too rich, Dad." Peter muttered, causing James to roll his eyes.

"Did you spend all night and morning making these, Dad?" Cassidy asked, eating. "They look pretty................expired." Peter spit out the pancakes in disgust.

"Expired?! Are you fucking kidding me??" He cried. "Dad!"

"I just bought these from a dollar store, okay?" James said embarrassingly. "They were on sale, give me a break."

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