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                              LOLA'S POV

The next morning, I wake up before Tom. He is still asleep, and I take the opportunity to sneak out of his embrace and grab my clothes from the ground. I quickly dress myself and make my way to my bathroom, closing the door slowly. It makes a creek.

"Fuck," I mouth, as I was attempting to close the door I hear a groan from Tom.

"Come back." Tom murmurs, not turning around. 

"I have to get ready." I reply, my head is spinning like crazy.

"For what?" He asks, sitting up and rubbing his eyes

"Schoool." I scoff. He groans and grabs his clothes from the ground. He slips his clothes on and then his shoes.

"See you in school." He says with a wink before sneaking out through the window. I watch as he enters his Mustang Gt 500. His windows are black, and onlookers can hardly see his figure or anything in his car. I hear him drive away, and I quickly step into the bathroom. I get ready and do my makeup. Thoughts are starting to fill my mind. What if Katie asks why I didn't go back to her house? Or what if they saw me walking with Tom? I just hope for the best. I grab my purse and head out the door. Halfway on my walk to school, Nathan approaches me.

"Did you get kidnapped yesterday?" Nathan asks while stuffing a handful of Skittles in his mouth.

"No?" I say, scratching the back of my head. Nathan looks at me skeptically but doesn't say anything. He just shrugs, and we continue our way to school.

"Wait a minute." Nathan says slowly. He turns to me and grins. I look at him and cold sweat breaks on my forehead. Fuck, he found out. "You got tired and decided to sleep at your house." He guesses. I let out a deep breath and nod. He smiles and starts skipping. By the time I arrive at school, my feet were aching. But, I mange to arrive just before the bell rings. I stuff all my things in my locker, I grab my notebook and run to math class. Tom is sitting at his desk, looking at his phone, bored. When I enter, he looks at me and smirks.

"Hi, princess." He mouths, I look at him and scoff. Jackie suddenly walks into the classroom and walks over to me.

"Hey, wanna hang out after school?" Jackie asks. I look at him and hesitate.

"I'm busy." I lie, looking at my hands.

"Oh really?" He says, not believing one word I say.

"Yes," I say annoyingly. He looks at me and groans.

"You're always busy. It's getting annoying." He says with an angry and frustrated look.

"So?" I ask. He is starting to get on my last nerve.

"You're so fucking stubborn." He mumbles, glaring at me one last time, he leaves the classroom. I shake my head and walk over to Katie and Nathan.

"I need to tell you guys something." I whisper nervously.

"What is it?" Katie asks, leaning in closer. Nathan leans on his elbows and smiles.

"Well, I slept with Tom." I blurt out. Katie's face turns white, and Nathan holds in a laugh.

"What about Jackie?!" Katie asks. Nathan rolls his eyes and sighs. "Did you like it?" Nathan asks. I nod reluctantly.

"Don't tell anyone. Not even Chloe, Rachel or Robert. Got it?" I demanded. They both nod, and I walk back to my seat. Tom clears his throat before beginning the lesson. I slam my head on the desk. Tom looks at me and grins.

"Lola, step out of class for me." Tom says, his dark eyes staring deep in my soul. I stand up and walk outside. After a few minutes, he emerges from the room. "I―" I can't finish my sentence because his lips smashes against mine. "Wanna hang out after school?" He asks against my lips. I pull back slightly and nod. He smiles and steps back into the classroom. I'm cheating on Jackie. That's bad. And worse, with a teacher. I'll just end things with Jackie. When I gather the courage too. I step in the classroom. My cheeks are a deep red. Everyone turns their heads in my direction.

"Who is it!?"

Soooooo I made some changes yeah. ANYWAY, I hope u guys enjoyed reading this madness💋

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