8 . The letter

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Finding the letter in the hands of mute and motionless arjun, nakul with shaky breath started reading out the letter loud ... Making every one heart beat halt as they get to know  the news that will turn their life upside down...


It's with a mix of sadness and acceptance that I write these words, knowing that they mark the end of a chapter in our lives. The journey we've shared has been filled with highs and lows, laughter and tears, but it's become clear that our paths must now diverge.

The pain runs deep, The hurt I have endured cuts deep, leaving scars that may never fully fade  , leaving wounds that may take time to heal. Despite the hurt, i hold no bitterness in my heart, Holding onto bitterness only serves to prolong our suffering, and i refuse to let the pain you've caused define my future.
I choose to release you all from the burden of my anger and resentment, I release you all from my responsibility, from my protection.....  
  From my life.....

I release you from the grip of guilt, understanding that we are all flawed beings stumbling through the complexities of life.

I may never fully understand why things unfolded as they did, but I choose to believe that there is something that , I will found in the broken pieces of my heart.

May you all find the peace and redemption you seek, may you learn and grow from the mistakes that have been made, and may you find the courage to rebuild what has been lost.

May the winds of change carry us to calmer shores, where the scars of yesterday fade into the promise of tomorrow.

I have made the difficult choice to leave my home, not out of spite or anger, but out of a need to find clarity and peace within myself. In the midst of our struggles, I have lost sight of who I am and what I need to be truly happy.

I ask of you all to respect my decision and refrain from trying to find me. I need this time and space to heal, to rediscover myself, and to figure out what path lies ahead for me.I'm asking for space and time to heal wounds that have grown too deep to ignore....

I hope you all can understand and respect my need for space, and I pray that time will bring clarity and healing to all of us.

Thank you all for giving me all the memories be it happy or sad.. Every thing , my every learning will help me to live my life ahead....

No one's ....
Yagyaseni draupadi


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