Chapter 8

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Wind kicks up in the alley as Hydra's five-headed serpent faces against Ladon's own serpent. Their Auras strike, hissing and twining together. The power of the Auras forces each of them back. Hydra's snake heads dart through the water serpent's defenses. Ladon is knocked off his feet, his body flying down the alley.
- Yes, I yell. I quickly cover my mouth. Ladon struggles to stand. He's too far away to tell, but I swear he glares at me. But then he's up again, running back towards Hydra. His water serpent shoots forward, trying to get around Hydra's Aura. It evades two snake heads, only to be cornered by the other three.
- Too slow, Hydra says and smirks.
- That's what you think, Ladon says. Ladon throws out his arm. His water serpent rears back, baring its fangs, tearing towards me.
- Kira, run, Hydra yells. Hydra maneuvers to intercept the water serpent. but it's fast, faster than before. There's no time to run.
- Kira, Hydra yells. I squeeze my eyes shut, throwing my arms in front of my face. There's a whoosh, then a crash, but no pain. I crack one eye open. My arms fall and I gape at the golden bubble protecting me. The ring Layla and Alex had given me glows with the same golden light. The water serpent hovers in front of the forcefield as Ladon stares in surprise.
- You and me both, buddy, I say in my head. Hydra seizes the opportunity and strikes. All five snake heads charge forward unhindered, blue light ripping through Ladon's side. He screams as he crumbles to the ground, Aura dwindling away to green specks. Hydra approaches and kicks him while he's down. His Aura flashes and his snake heads pin Ladon to keep him from thrashing.
- You're a coward, Hydra says. Ladon coughs, struggling to keep his eyes open.
- Are you going to kill me, Ladon asks.
- I'll do something worse, Hydra says as his eyes glow blue. His snake heads sink their fangs into Ladon and rear back, stripping him of his Aura. I wince as Ladon screams again, more agonized than before.
- Hydra, I say in my head. The snake heads drop Ladon's artifact on Hydra's outstretched palm. Though clearly ready to pass out, Ladon uses the last of his energy to spit at Hydra's shoes.
- Hercules has bigger and better plans than you ever will. You'll never beat him, Ladon says. Hydra pockets Ladon's Artifact as he crouches down. He forces Ladon to look into his eyes. Ladon's face turns blank.
- Where. Is. Meg, Hydra asks. I'm too far away to hear Ladon's answer, but Hydra nods, satisfied. Hydra releases him, allowing the other man to finally pass out. Hydra taking Ladon't Aura unsettles me. But as I gaze at Hydra's stony profile, I can't find the words to say anything. The golden forcefield surrounding me finally fades away, the light receding back into my ring. I clutch my fist to my chest.
- Thank you, Alex, I say in my head. Hydra stands and comes over to me, the blue of his Aura vanishing.
- Are you alright, Hydra asks.
- A little shaky, but nothing broken here. Guess this really is my lucky charm, I say as I stroke my thumb over my ring. Hydra's expression turns a bit sour at that, but then the strange look vanishes as he nods.
- Good, he says. I recall his sudden fierceness just moments earlier. I don't know if I should be scared or worried.
- Who's Meg, I ask.
- Meg is the true owner of the Crow Aura, and Hercules's wife, he says. Meg. That certainly isn't the name of the blonde twenty-something. The one always pictured at Hercules's side.
- What. Hercules's wife is Cassandra, I ask.
- No, Herc's first wife. Meg, Hydra says. My brain short-circuits for a moment.
- What. First wife. Why isn't she in any files, or mentioned at all, I ask. None of it makes sense. Hercules couldn't just hide a wife for all these years.
- Why does nobody know she exists. Why would she even marry Hercules anyways. He's such a tool, I say. Hydra smirks at my runaway outburst. I cover my mouth. There I go with the rambling. Breathing deeply, I take a good look at Hydra. Again, he knows more than he's telling me.
- Why would anyone willingly be with Hercules. How could anyone consider that to be a real relationship, I ask
- Like you said, there's Cassandra. Hydra says.
- Cassandra is a trophy wife. But this Meg person, I say.
- There's never just one side to a story, Hydra says and walks away. I look back at Ladon's crumpled form.
- But what about, I ask.
- Leave him. Hercules will send his other goons to get him. Eventually, Hydra says. I hesitate, but I follow Hydra.

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