Chapter 3

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I can't be the only one hearing AND seeing this right now. I glanced around to see if my thoughts were accurate and sure enough, they were. Everyone who was in a panic about the body suddenly went quiet and scanned the surrounding area trying to figure out where this eerie trumpet was coming from. "Who the hell is playing the right now? This isn't the time or place!" I heard someone say as I still looked around to try to find the source of the sound. Now that I think about it, it doesn't sound like that trumpet is being played on ground level. I started to listen more intently. It sounds too clear to be on a speaker, could it really be?

I took my attention back to the sky to look at the parted clouds from earlier. Yeah, that trumpet seems to be coming from above us. But how in the hell is that even possible? "AAAHHH, what is that!?" I heard screaming and took my eyes from the sky to see people in a panic. "Do ya'll see that? Or am I tripping?" I glance around to see what everyone is talking about. Shocked, I took a few steps back, those shadowy figures that Cosima mentioned earlier, seemed to have found their way to the monorail station and now surrounded each side of the monorail platform. What the hell is going on? Everyone on the monorail platform was in disarray trying to convince themselves of what they were seeing. The figures didn't look human like at all, from what I was seeing they looked to have clawed hands and horns protruding from their head, their backs hunched with a spiked tail, and their arms and legs seemed long and skinny attached to a body of short stature.

Then they began to move, one step at a time towards the crowd, people began to scream more as the dark figures began to encircle us as if we were all prey. I looked at one of the figures again and noticed that they had feral piercing red eyes and teeth that were about as spiked as a shark's tooth were revealed in the most mischievous smile I had ever seen. Heart beating fast I looked back to see if I could find Aella, but she was gone. Where did she go? Did she go on ahead to look for Cosima without me? Suddenly I heard a scream, I turned my head to the left and noticed one of the figures pounced on a woman and began tearing at her throat with their sharp claws. And that's when the crowd of people surrounding me went into a frenzy. Everyone began to scream and shout and began running towards the exits of the monorail station. Everyone began bumping into one another, knocking some people down and others were being captured by these monstrous beings. I got to find Cosima and Aella, I can't leave them behind! The thought ringed in ringed into my head as I began to panic and push myself through the screaming crowds of people so I could locate my friends. Damn it, I can't see them! Maybe they ran past me. I turned around to try and make a beeline for the exits myself.

As I run, I can hear the screams of the people who were caught by those monsters, I could only pray that those screams weren't coming from one of my friends, as I approached the exit to the monorail station, I turned my head to notice that one of those creatures were heading towards me. Wait. DID THOSE THINGS ALWAYS HAVE WINGS!? My thoughts screamed in my head as the creature began flying towards me. I can't outrun that! It's going to kill me! THUNK. I heard something drop behind me, I ran out the exit of the monorail station and turned around to see what fell. Sure enough it was the creature that was chasing me, there was an arrow made of light sticking out of its head. "What the?" My heart was beating a mile a minute at what I saw, I was trying to make sense of what was going on but nothing I could think of made this situation make any more sense than it already had. I got to get back to the dorms, Aella and Cosima have got to be there by now. I turned on my heels and began running in the direction of the dorms.


As I ran through the streets of Neu Devi, I had a heavy sense of déjà vu. While running I took a few glances at the surrounding area and noticed that it was dilapidated, most of the buildings were destroyed, a lot of cars were wrecked, and so many people were running away in peril of all of the monsters that seemed to come from nowhere. Then it hit me, the reason this is so similar is because of the dreams that I've been having. Was those really dreams? Or premonitions of what was to come? As I ran, I tried my best not to come into contact with any of the creatures that I had heard or seen. Some people were lucky to escape, and some weren't as lucky as I could hear screaming as I cut into an alleyway that I knew would lead me to a street that would lead me to the dorms. I looked into the sky and noticed that the once blue sky had become a dark eerie red, the tear that I spotted earlier had more things flying out of it. From where I was, I couldn't make any sense of what was coming out of it. Were those the same as those creatures that I seen at the monorail station? Or something more dangerous?

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