Chapter 5

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"I'm the inheritor? Me? I don't feel any different than what I've felt this morning. . ." I look down at my hands and move my fingers, letting what Takahashi said sink in. I was chosen to be given angelic and demonic powers, but I don't feel anything. Angels and demons are trying to recruit me to their side due to something I feel like I don't have. I look back to Takahashi. "There's no way it can be me, they must have been fighting over the wrong person."

Takahashi put his hands underneath his chin and began examining me, sizing me up and down as if he could find any difference in me that I myself haven't seen yet. "I assure you that isn't the case Mael, I'm surprised that you didn't notice that the demons weren't exactly attacking you like they did everyone else." Click. He pulled up images of me running away from the imp at the monorail platform and running throughout Neu Devi as I tried to make my way back to the dorms.

"How did you get those pictures? Were you following me?" I felt a bit awkward looking at those images of myself, I could see the fear in my face from those pictures. "We weren't following you at all Mael;" Takahashi chuckled with a smirk on his face, "this Is security footage taken from the cameras at the monorail secured by a Tariaksuq. A mythical creature who is adept at hiding in plain sight, one of them tipped us off about a human who was running away from the monorail station but wasn't being hunted like the other humans who were there. They said it looked as if the demons were trying to capture you instead of kill." I began thinking back to the monorail station, when those imps were attacking the other people there, they seemed vicious, eyes glowing as red as a traffic light showing sharpened fangs. I looked at the image of myself running away from the monorail station to see that an imp was chasing me at the time, but the ferocity wasn't there in its eyes, from the way it was angled, it looked as if it was trying to pick me up from the shoulders before it was shot down by the arrow I saw before.

"These other images of you traversing Neu Devi was from me!" Carole said gleefully waving her hands as if she had won a prize for best photo of the year. Takahashi straightened in his seat and clicked his mouse to display the alleyway I was in when more imps showed up. "As you can see, the demons that showed up in that alleyway knew who you were, they followed you there from due to the demonic energy that's flowing through you." "So that means they can sense that it was inside me?" I began chewing on my thumbnail, something that only happens when I become way too nervous. "So this is what. . .that angel Michael was talking about when he said my soul was tainted, he sensed it too." Takahashi nodded, answering the connection I made for myself. "But that doesn't explain how I can't use any of this so-called power myself." Takahashi went back to his previous pose of hands underneath his chin. "That's because it's lying dormant within you Mael, the alignment is there, but you haven't awakened it yet yourself." I leaned back in the chair I was sitting in, letting everything I've been told race around in my thoughts.

So angels and demons are after me so that they can recruit me to their side and fight alongside them. ME. Neu Devi is wrecked due to them searching for and fighting over me, the collateral damage just being normal people trying to live their lives. Just like how me and my friends were. My chest began to tighten, why does this feel like it's my fault? I lost my friends, there were lives lost probably because of me. I sighed and shook my head. "I feel horrible, people died because those demons were going after me." I put my elbows on the table and rested my head in my hands. "I don't even know if Cosima and Aella is still alive." My voice cracked a bit, and the sides of my eyes began to burn with tears. "Mael?" I sniffed and looked up to see Carole looking at me with saddened eyes. "Are you ok?" She asked, I wiped my face and nodded. Takahashi cleared his throat to get my attention. "If this makes you feel any better, we rescued any civilians who were willing to be saved, we deployed trained specialists to rescue a few civilians and we deployed a few of the mythical beings to help as well. We have shelter here as well."

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