Chapter 6

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We began walking the desert of purgatory about 50 minutes ago, due to the sand and the heat the journey was a bit arduous, well for myself, Carole had the advantage due to her not having to use her legs and was fluttering the entire time. I on the other hand had to withstand the long walk and the crunch of the sand beneath my shoes, but I feel like it'd be worth it once we rescued Aella from those demons' clutches. After a bit more walking, we began to scale what looked like the side of a debilitated highway, Carole flew upward and scanned the area. I looked up to and saw that Carole looked shocked for some reason. "What's wrong?" I asked. She continued to look forward, it was like she was searching for something.

"I think I see where they took Aella, but It's something huge and dangerous lurking around, I can feel it." She visibly shuddered, is it that bad? I scaled the side of the broken highway faster and pulled myself up to the top and took a glimpse at what Carole had seen. From where we were standing, I could see what looked like a radio tower submerged deep into the sand only revealing half of the bottom portion, it tilted slightly possibly due to the sand overtaking it. From there the surrounding area had toppled buildings that looked like homes and broken telephone poles whose wire swayed in the sandy breeze that kicked up. Looking forward, I noticed a run-down building through an opening on the other side of the cliff that surrounded the area. The building itself was grand, but the stained-glass windows were broken and the ceiling itself had holes in it. That building looked like a church, is that where Aella is being held?

"Carole, do you think that cathedral is where they are hiding Aella? How would that even make sense?" My thoughts ran, I thought a church would be the last place demons would reside, not only that, why is there even a church in purgatory to begin with? Throughout the journey through purgatory's desert, I seen a lot of buildings and thing things that I would see normally back in Neu Devi, why would those things be here?

I look at Carole who still looks to be visibly shaken. "Carole, are you ok? What's wrong?" I tap her on the shoulder, she flinches a bit and shakes her head. "I'm sorry Mael, yes, I think that building is where they're keeping Aella, and to answer your question, since there isn't any followers of YWHW around or even residing within that building, there's nothing stopping them from freely entering or going. Plus it may be a way to laugh in the face of YWHW himself since those buildings are holy to him." When she put it that way, that does make sense. If that's where Aella is being held then I'm ready to go in and save her. I took a step forward, but Carole fluttered in front of me to stop me from proceeding; "Mael, there's something dangerous below us, its presence is faint. But I can feel it, do you have any experience wielding that weapon Takahashi gave you?"

I placed a hand on the sheathed short blade and drew it. The blade shined in the harsh sunlight. Would I even be able to use this thing against whatever is lurking down there? "To be honest with you Carole, I don't have much experience with any weapon at all. I never had to use one." I sheathed the short sword back into my hip, I looked into the sandy canyon from the broken highway we stood on. I felt a bit uneasy about what would happen if we tried to cross, but ahead of us should be our destination, so there has to be some way to get through. "I think I can handle whatever is down there Carole." Carole came to the side of me and sighed. "I doubt that Mael, I know you came face to face with an archangel and the second hand to Lucifer, but they weren't trying to fight you. Whatever is lurking down there is dangerous and won't hesitate to attack you."

I looked at Carole intensively. I understand what she means, this could be dangerous, in fact this whole situation is dangerous to just a lone human, not only do I have no experience wielding a weapon but the given powers that I have aren't even present at the moment. What could I do in a fight against a demon or an angel? But we came so far, I don't want to back down now. "I'll be fine Carole, I'm not afraid." I tried to reassure her, but I think those words flew past her. "Mael, listen to me. I know how it feels to want to save those closest to you, but whatever is down there. . .seems powerful." She sounded worried, but is what's down there really that bad? "I'll take that chance Carole; my friends are the only family I have. I can't leave them captured by some dangerous entities because of me. I'd rather go down there and face whatever is down there, than just walk away and leave my friends behind." And with that I slid down the side of the highway we were on and landed on the sand below. I looked up to Carole who visibly sighed and came down with me. "Either your stupid or just way to courageous, but what did you mean by them being the only family you have?" Carole asked in a hushed voice, indicating that she wanted us to be as silent as possible crossing through this canyon. As I took my steps slowly across the sand, I sighed silently trying to gather my thoughts before explaining what I meant.

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