Episode 1✨

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Tears flowed freely down his cheeks, each droplet a testament to the weight of his sorrow. Soft, intermittent sobs escaped his lips, breaking the stillness of the mosque with their gentle cadence. With trembling lips and hands raised in supplication, he sought solace in the act of dua, his heart heavy with pain....

In the dim light of the mosque, he knelt in silent anguish, his eyes tightly shut ashe poured out his soul to the Divine.....Each whispered prayer was a plea for calmness, for relief from the turmoil that gripped his spirit. With his forehead pressed against the cool surface of the prayer mat, he surrendered himself entirely
to the mercy of Allah, seeking solace in the sacred space of worship.

"Oh Allah...., M-most Merciful and Compassionate, grant me s-trength in this timeof trial. Ease the burden that weighs h-heavy on my h-heart and soothe the ache of my soul. Grant me p-patience to endure, wisdom to understand, and faith to trust in Your each plan. Guide me towards the path of peace and grant me tranquility in Your remembrance. Y-ya Allah, forgive my shortcomings and grant me relief from this pain. Shower Your
mercy upon me and grant me solace in Your infinite grace. A-ameen."

"Ibrahim... what are you doing here, my child?" a gentle voice interrupted, the warmth of familiarity breaking through the solitude of his sorrow. Startled, Ibrahim felt a hand rest upon his shoulder...!!

Quickly wiping away his tears with the back of his hand, Ibrahim lowered his
gaze, unable to meet the old man's eyes. Shame and vulnerability mingled
within him....

"Forgive me, Uncle," Ibrahim murmured softly, his voice laden with emotion. "I... I needed a moment alone."The old man's gaze softened with understanding as he knelt beside Ibrahim, his presence a source of solace in the dimlylit mosque. Placing a gentle hand on Ibrahim's bowed head, he spoke words
of comfort, his voice a soothing balm to Ibrahim's wounded soul.

"There is no need for apologies, my son," the old man said tenderly.
"We all seek refuge in the house of Allah in our times of need. You are not alone in your pain, Ibrahim. Let us pray together, and may Allah grant us the strength to face the trials He has decreed for us."....With a grateful nod, Ibrahim raised his head, meeting the old man's gaze with a glimmer of hope in his eyes....

"will a-allah forgive me for my past s-sins uncle"

"My boy, never doubt on His mercy," the old man said with a gentle smile, his words carrying the weight of wisdom born from a lifetime of faith.
"Allah is the Most Merciful, the Most Forgiving. He knows every corner of your heart, every thought that has crossed your mind, and every tear you've shed in repentance."

Ibrahim's smile, though tinged with tears, radiated warmth as he wrapped his arms around the old man in a tight embrace. "JazakAllah khair, Uncle," he murmured gratefully, his voice soft but sincere....!!

The old man returned the hug with equal tenderness, patting...Ibrahim's cheeks affectionately "Now, my boy, as you embark on this new journey, remember to be a responsible and caring husband to your soon-to-be wife," he advised gently, his
words carrying the weight of experience and wisdom.Ibrahim nodded earnestly, his eyes reflecting determination.

"I understand, Uncle," he replied, his voice steady with resolve. "I will cherish her and protect her with all that I am."The old man smiled knowingly, his gaze filled with pride. "May Allah bless your union and guide you both," he said, offering
a silent prayer for their happiness and well-being.

"Now go moulana must be waiting for you" Ibrahim nodded betore walking out

Ibrahim stepped into the madrasa, the rhythmic recitations of the Arabic verses filling the air with a sense of serenity. Moulana's warm smile greeted him, and Ibrahim returned it with a smile of his own as he approached."Oh, my Ibrahim, you're here. I was waiting for you," Moulana said with genuine delight, moving to embrace Ibrahim in a heartfelt hug.

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