Episode 2✨

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Muskan POV

I sighed deeply, my gaze drifting from the scattered clothes on the bed to the empty space before me. With a determined exhale, I straightened my posture, placing my hands on my hips as if to gather my resolve.

After methodically packing my bag, I took a moment to tidy up my surroundings, smoothing out the wrinkles on the bedspread with meticulous care. Each task was a deliberate effort to maintain composure amidst the whirlwind of emotions churning within me.

As I completed my preparations, the door swung open, revealing Anas with a bright smile gracing his features. I arched an eyebrow inquisitively before returning his smile, though beneath the surface, a storm of uncertainty raged within me.

"Are you done packing, appi?" Anas inquired, settling onto the bed beside me. I mirrored his actions, joining him with a soft sigh.

"Yeah, I'm all set," I replied, my voice steady despite the tumultuous emotions threatening to spill over. I reached for his hands, seeking solace in the familiar warmth of his touch.

Anas met my gaze, his eyes betraying the struggle to contain his emotions. With a tender smile, he gently squeezed my hand, his unspoken concern a testament to the bond we shared.

"Stop looking at me like that," he teased gently, a hint of mischief dancing in his eyes, "or I might just have to send you off in tears, appi."

As Anas gently teased, a soft chuckle escaped my lips, a brief respite from the weight of the moment. "Oh, you wouldn't dare," I countered with mock seriousness, a hint of playfulness creeping into my tone.He grinned, the familiar twinkle in his eyes bringing a sense of comfort amidst the uncertainty.

"You know I'd never let you go without shedding a tear or two," he admitted, his voice tinged with affection.I squeezed his hand in response, the warmth of our connection a soothing balm to my restless soul. "I wouldn't have it any other way," I confessed, a small smile tugging at the corners of my lips.

Anas sighed heavily, his eyes brimming with unshed tears, as he rose to his knees in front of me. I watched him with a mixture of sorrow and love, my own tears threatening to spill over at any moment.

"You know how much I'm going to miss you," he began, his voice choked with emotion. "Our little fights, our craziness... Who will beat me and pull my ears if I do something wrong?" His words were punctuated by the silent stream of tears cascading down his cheeks.

I couldn't bear to see him like this, his vulnerability tugging at my heartstrings. With a trembling hand, I reached out to cup his face, gently wiping away the tears that stained his cheeks.

"Aish, you idiot," I murmured softly, a faint smile playing at the corners of my lips despite the ache in my chest. "You're making me emotional now. Stop crying; you look like a baby."

I leaned forward, pressing a tender kiss to his furrowed forehead, a silent gesture of reassurance and affection. Anas's pout softened at my touch, a hint of amusement flickering in his tear-stained eyes.

"Now promise me you will take care of ammi abbu and yourself and focus on your studies and try to be good muslim and don't forget to pray every salah " i said as he smiled before nodding

"I promise," Anas nodded, a soft smile gracing his lips as he met my gaze with sincerity. "I'll take care of Ammi, Abbu, and myself. I'll focus on my studies and try to be a good Muslim. And I won't forget to pray every salah."

With a sense of determination, I rose from the bed, the weight of my decision resting heavy on my shoulders. Carefully, I secured my face cover, a symbol of my faith and identity, as Anas approached, offering to carry my bag. I smiled gratefully and took his hand, feeling the warmth of his touch reassuring me as we made our way downstairs to the living room.

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