Its all over

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Buffy ran all around the bronze and alley, but willow or the vampire were not to be seen.
Willows prove""
"Where are we going"
" For ice cream" said the vampire, "this is a short cut"
"Thought the cemetery" the vampire smiled, "you know we could just take Main Street." Willow looked a little scared know
Buffy's prove""
"Giles I couldn't her"
"Oo dear this is going down in flames" , in the distance darla was taking Jesse and Xander somewhere,
"Giles" I said pointing at them, Jesse had blood pouring down he's neck as they left, and it looked like Xander knew what was happening.
Willows prove"""
"We're almost there" said the vampire, as he pushed her into a mosaliam. She slammed against a wall. A few mins later Darla brought Xander and Jesse in there
"Ice cream" willow said
"Ice cream" Xander said "why do we have to be suckers for ice cream" Darla approached closer to them,
Buffy's prove""
"Nice place, kind of deathy for my taste,but it fits you perfectly" buffy said,
"And who are u" says Darla.
"Let's say im your worst nightmare" she laughs,
"Great more food" she charges at buffy, buffy does more cool leg tricks and punches, she has her down when luke comes out of no where and throws her back.
"Luke thank god" says Darla "she's strong, like un normal"
"Not 4 me" says Luke.
"I wouldn't underestimate me" says buffy,
"and who may u be" says luke,
"Uhh here we go again, my name is buffy summers im 16, I go to Sunnydale high and well hmm what didn't I mention?"
"Shut up" says Luke, and charges forward, Xander, willow and Jesse run out of there.
"Oo YA and im the slayer" I do a backflip over him and almost have him staked but he was strong and threw me in the casket, after a minute he jumped in there he was about to bite my neck, the when he saw the cross he jumped out and away i was shocked, remind me to thank Angel later.
Willows prove""
"Where do we go" says willow
"Here" says Xander, as they run a lot I mean a lot of vampires surround them, they take Jesse but willow and Xander manage to get away they head to the library where giles retreated too.
"Ok Giles what Is going om" they say Giles explains everything when buffy walks in
"Hey buff" says Xander
"Giles I found the chooses one i barely got away"
"They took Jesse" says willow
"Then I have to go get him"
"We want to go too" they say,
"It's too dangerous"
"He's our friend, we wanna help"
"Ok" says Giles "willow stay here and help Buffy will go get Jesse, and will hopefully get back in time to stop the master."
"Im going too"said Xander,
"No way" said buffy and she left, but Xander followed her the whole way, she got down into the soour and all the vampires started to surround her. Xander finally decided to announce his presence, Jesse came forward
"Guys help"he said. We ran all around trying to find a place but then we got Cornered for good. Jesse turned around and look at that he was a vampire too.
" run" i said trying to find a way out, I found a little room and we barely shut the door in time we got up and out of the soour in broad daylight so they couldn't get after us.
Back at the library
"How could I be so stupid" I said "of course they would turn him they knew we would go back for him"
"It's not your fault buffy we all fell into they trap, we're just lucky you two got out"
"Look we have to finish this now there is a room of vampires at the bronze including the choosen one and we can't let as another person die" giles said.

Hey guys just wanted to thank you for reading I just published my first chapter like 2 days ago and I already have 7 reads that mines a lot to me even tho that's not very much to some people so keep reading it will get better

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