chapter 11

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(authors note: another crusty old fanfic i havent worked on in eons. might continue this one but time (my unmedicated ADHD) will tell)

"Is that... is that what I think it is? Oh my God, it is. You dirty pervert, in my bed!?"

"Hey, you're cuddling up to me and shit, this is your fault!"

He huffed, unhooking his arm and pushing me away in disgust.

"I cannot believe you. You have no class, no standards. You can't even keep yourself together for five minutes!"

"Wanna make out now?"

He scowled at me, the way he did when I'd done something he disapproved of.

"I can't believe you, I truly cannot. Are you not ashamed?"

Herobrine rolled onto his back, his brow furrowed in irritation, and folded his forearms over his muscular chest, turning his face away from me. His jawline was so pretty. His nose was so pretty. His eyelashes were so pretty. God, I wanna kiss you. I wanna kiss you so bad. He huffed, staring up at the ceiling, refusing to look in my direction at all. My fingers danced up his bicep, circling on his shoulder, and he shrugged off my hand. I want to taste your blood on your tongue. I want to bite your lips and I want to drink from your neck.

"What, are you trying to pretend you don't secretly want me deep down?"

"I don't know what I want, Entity. I... think you're very attractive, and you have very pretty lips, and your hair is soft... but- but that doesn't mean..."

"You're flushed."

"You're an embarrassment."

"Well, if you change your mind, I'm handcuffed right next to you."

"I swear to God, boy, don't make me punch you again."

He truly had a way with words.

The hot throbbing of my hard dick was growing unbearable, my legs shaking from the need of stimulation, but I had to keep myself together. I could make it through the night, I had to. For his sake, I could power through this without giving in to filthy lustful impulses. I hated myself for living long enough to be here, and I hated him for caring enough to put me here.

Nevertheless, I did love it when he threatened me. I knew Herobrine wouldn't get physical unless physically provoked, or unless pushed to his absolute limit, and I could tell by how tense he was and how far away from me he was on the bed we shared, he was reaching that limit. If I tested him again he'd hit me for sure. But, I didn't know if I wanted that or not. I wanted that myself, for sure, but I found myself not wanting that for him. He doesn't want violence between us anymore, and it's not at all fair for me to piss him off to the point of violence for my own gains. Then again, I wasn't exactly known for my fairness or respectfulness.

"Look, do you want to... do you want me to escort you to the bathroom? So you can... you know."

"Oh my, do you wanna watch me touch it?"

"Ugh, forget it."

"Actually, yea, can you take me to the bathroom? It's angry, it kinda hurts."

"I don't need to know about that. Give me a moment, let me find the keys."

Herobrine stood from the bed, rummaging around on his bedside table looking for the keys to the handcuffs.

"Why do you have handcuffs?"

"In case I need to kidnap you and murder you in my basement."

"Then why were they stored in your bedroom closet, and why are the keys in your bedside table?"

"Be quiet. Ah, found them. Stop squirming, let me unlock you. I'll be standing outside the bathroom door, to make sure you don't try to escape."

"Sounds pretty pervy."

I stood in the warm yellow light of Herobrine's en suite bathroom, trying to relax and trying to ignore the fact that he was standing right outside, listening. It was nearly degrading, but at the same time it was sweet, in his own way. I still couldn't understand why he wanted me alive, why he liked my presence, and why he couldn't let me die. I'd assume it was related to his suicide attempt, but analysing a few implications in some comments he'd made, I was starting to wonder if a close family member had died, or maybe a partner. It occurred to me that he had no photos of anyone hanging on his walls, no parents, no family portraits, nobody lived here except for him, nothing. This house would almost seem abandoned except for him. Maybe he wanted me around because he was lonely.

I finished up in the bathroom after about ten minutes, pretty pathetic and uneventful. I finished, but it didn't feel like much, my mind was occupied with other things. He stood waiting outside, and we walked back to bed, him re-cuffing me before getting under the covers.

I turned to look at him. He lay on his back, long eyelashes fluttering as his eyes gradually closed. His face was perfectly sculpted, very handsome, peppered delicately with faint dark brown freckles. Stubble decorated his sharp jaw, presumably he hadn't shaved since the other night when he took me in. His eye bags were darker than usual. He looked tired.

"So, uh, are you alone?"

"What do you mean?"

"You got any family, or anything? I haven't seen any pictures on your walls, shit like that."

"I.. My family and I... aren't really on speaking terms."


"I'm tired, Entity. Go to sleep."

My interest was piqued. I knew next to nothing about the people surrounding this man, I only knew the man himself, and as far as he'd ever mentioned it really is just him. Regardless, evidently he didn't want to talk about it. I rolled over onto my side, my back turned away from him, and tried to get comfortable.

This was weird, being this close to him. This wasn't natural for me. I really did try, but I couldn't do it, I felt too unsafe. I kept thinking about all the different ways he could take advantage of my unconscious body, he could kill me before we ever got to have any real fun together. I'd need to be alive if I wanted into his pants, and if he killed me in my sleep I'd never get that chance. Glancing back over my shoulder, I took another look at Herobrine, who seemed to be asleep. His muscular chest rose and fell with every breath, his soft lips parted slightly, his eyes closed. So trusting of him to sleep in the same bed as me, or so cocky. Bold of him to assume I wouldn't kill him if it meant escaping this place, no matter how correct that assumption was. When I got out of these handcuffs, I was gonna get home, by any means necessary, and if luck was on my side I'd be decorated with his beautiful blood too.

Warm Bodies (Herobrine X Entity303)Where stories live. Discover now