chapter 13 (nsfw)

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(content warning: the sex)

The day was quiet, with only a meeting with his psychiatrist, to be my new psychiatrist, some meandering around town for a while, then back to Herobrine's, some food, then bed. Nothing to report. I still didn't want to be here, and the guilt I felt for dragging him around in aid of a lost cause was immense. I didn't want to be here, I didn't want to subject him to me. Soon he'd see what I truly was and he'd save himself the trouble. Nevertheless, whilst I had him around, I figured I may as well make the most of it. Besides, it wasn't often he allowed me to get close enough to him to where I could practically taste his skin. I wanted my teeth in his neck. I wanted my nails in the flesh of his back. I... Well, my deranged thoughts speak for themselves.

It was around 11pm, and he had taken us to bed. With the bedside lamps still on I could see the cuff he chose to keep on me for another night, studying its mechanisms and figuring out ways to escape captivity. It would be difficult, though, since he had confiscated all my shit, which included hair pins. Herobrine lay shirtless next to me, reading a book he seemed to be invested in, but I didn't make a mental note of what it was. Likely a broody Scandinavian crime drama, befitting the man himself.

"What's it like to enjoy being alive?"

He looked over to me, a slightly puzzled and taken aback expression on his dimly lit face. He marked his page with a bookmark and slowly closed the book, setting it on his bedside before rolling onto his side to face me.

"Well, it's... nice. I definitely don't miss the constant craving for death. Colours are vibrant, and music is beautiful, and nothing is dull or boring. Sure, I do still get bored, but it's manageable in ways it wasn't when I was unmedicated. Does that make sense?"

"No. But I suppose that's understandable."

"Of course. How are you feeling?"

"Mad I'm still alive, but other than that, horny."

His brow furrowed, his mouth twisting to a mildly disgusted grimace.

"Never truly satisfied, are you?"

"Wouldn't you like to know. So, you wanna fuck yet? Or are you still holding yourself back?"

"Pass, as tempting as the idea is."

I sighed, and using my free hand, I floated my fingers up the hard muscles wrapping his arms. It was thrilling, to tempt fate by flirting with the scariest man on the planet, but he didn't flinch, or even grimace. He just watched as my fingers danced up his bicep, his half lidded eyes following my hand, entranced. It took a lot of restraint to not push any further.

Herobrine took my hand, gently encasing my fingers into his own, bringing my hand up to his face.

"I, uh... I wouldn't mind- I mean... Do you wanna..."

Slender fingers stroked his dark stubble as he tripped over his words in embarrassment, trying to articulate feelings he wasn't quite ready to reveal.

"I'd like to kiss you."

"I..." a light pink dusted his face, lighting up his nose and ears. "I'd like that too."

I pushed my body closer to his, feeling the heat of Herobrine's tough abs and broad chest, reveling in the sweet fear of being hurt by such a beauty. God, please, wrap your hands around my throat and squeeze. I felt his dick against mine, both rapidly hardening, and felt his heartbeat increase, gazing into each other's eyes with carnal desire and need. Finally, his lips joined mine, warm pink lips folding over mine, mine over his, immediately falling into rhythm. His mouth was warm, his hot breath mixing with mine, his lips were so soft. I couldn't help but let out a softened moan.

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