Bullhead Challenge Quest

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After adapting with the new technology, the natives, especially the hunters, were having the time of their life. The real monster attacks against the power armor is proving to be ineffective. Hunters can now defeat and slay the monsters much quicker now. Hopefully, things would get better than it will ever be.

And speak of the Deviljho, the now identified artificial intelligence, Valhalla, sent another crate in the same fashion as the previous crate. With its arrival, guild members, who were stationed outside in case anything new happens, which it did, came forward to retrieve whatever message it has.

Inside, a data pad reveals a new message. "I issue a quest. A challenge to the hunters. Even the retired ones. Defeat 3 airborne automata. The names are Valstrax Automaton, Frostfang Barioth Automaton, and Seething Bazelgeuse Automaton. Defeat one each of those machines and bring them back to the guild to claim the prize. The first ones to complete this challenge wins and they will be the first one to get the prize before the guild gets theirs."

With that, the guild puts up the challenge to all hunters for the first-place winner will get the prize before the guild gets theirs as a sign of respect. Hunters embark on aerial hunts, dodging energy beams and icy breath.

Many hunters fought these beasts to try and claim theirs. Many weren't able to defeat one since the ones that did have power armor and power tools. Those who clung the traditional way started to feel obsolete and pondered whether they should continue the traditional way or adopt to the changes.

As hours went by, then hours to days. One managed to defeat all three designated automatons. Her name is Evelyn Thorne. She is an engineer and hunter. She was able to best the metal beasts thanks to her modified power armor and power tools. As a result, she claimed the prize.

The reward has now been revealed when a ship came out of nowhere. The AI unveils blueprints for a groundbreaking transportation vessel: the Bullhead. Imagine a sleek fusion of airship and jet plane—a marvel of engineering. The Bullhead's jet engines roar, propelling it through clouds and storms.

Its features are:

Supersonic Speed: The Bullhead outpaces any airship. Hunters reach distant locales swiftly.Vertical Takeoff: No need for runways. The Bullhead lifts off vertically.Energy Shields: Mimicking Valstrax's energy beams, the Bullhead's shields deflect attacks.Cargo Hold: Stow Wyverns, supplies, and even captured monsters.

Evelyn's eyes sparkled in delight and admiration of the Bullhead. This thing is massive. Those who were present there watched in admiration and some hunters became envious, jealous, or both.

Guild masters convene. The Bullhead could revolutionize hunting logistics. Arguments echo: "Faster quests mean more research!" said a guild researcher.  "But it disrupts the natural pace." said one of the hunters, still clinging on to the traditions. "Weigh progress against tradition." said a hunter in power armor.

Moments later, 20 more bullheads arrived in front of the guild with the symbols of the guild on the sides of the ship. The bullheads' consoles showing the data of how to use and maintain a bullhead.

Guild members and hunters started to train how to fly one of these ships. Guild members and hunters become trainee pilots and under the guidance of Valhalla, these new pilots become professionals. Those who are confident within their skills and with the Ai's permission, some of the human-controlled bullheads soar into the sky alongside other airborne monsters.

With the first test flight, the pilot's hearts pounding. The Bullhead soars alongside real monsters. Rathalos eyes it, wingspan matching. Nergigante tests its hull. Seething Bazelgeuse Automaton watches, curious. The ecosystem adapts—clouds part for the Bullhead.

Though, some are still skeptical about this. Some even made conspiracies about the Ai's ture intentions. The AI remains aloof. Is it an observer, a cosmic architect? Hunters speculate: "Is the Bullhead a gift or a trial?" The AI's motives remain inscrutable.

Hunters board the Bullhead. Wyverns roar below. "To the Coral Highlands!" they cry. The Bullhead pierces the heavens. Expeditions are being done out of fun and experimenting the bullhead's capabilities.

Songs change. Bards sing of Metal Wings and Jetstream Hunts. Hunters debate: "Tradition or progress?" The Monster Hunter world embraces the skies.

Author's notes:

Monster Hunter World is about to enter a new era. How will this affect in the future? Let's not forget there are rival factions as well.

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