The Special Quest

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It would have been just another ordinary day for everybody in the monster hunter world if it weren't for the fact the AI did not just drop a small metal crate right in front of the guild building.

The Ai, perhaps amused by the hunters' prowess, sent a message by crate dropping. Hunters, civilians, and guild staff alike, stared at the crate before to looking each other, then up. Their faces, plastered with surprise, shock, anger, and questioning, 'Why?'

Then the crate open mechanism starts creaking, grabbing everyone's attention. The crate opens, revealing its content. A data pad. 

This grabs the attention of a research team member nearby

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This grabs the attention of a research team member nearby. Slowly but with caution, the researcher picked up the data pad and looked at it. It has the following words on the screen. 'I am Valhalla. The Artificial Iintelligence of the star vessel that hovers above you now. I am amused with the results of your hunters occasionally clashing with my automaton creations. It piqued curiosity, thus I will grant you some rewards that you will find... quite appeasing. Tap on the screen and you will find your rewards in the files. I look forward to your reactions and how you utilize it.'

It was written in the native's language as the AI had observed for quite some time now. The researcher was astonished and intrigued. "An Artificial Intelligence? Automatons? Wait, what rewards?" the researcher, subconsciously, said those words, loud enough for a few others near him and the crate. This caused another surprise among the natives.

Soon word spread and now the entire guild now knows about it. The administrators asked if they could see the data pad and its 'rewards' with their own eyes. They read the message and decided to do what it says. They tapped on the screen and out popped two files. These were blueprints for two things, power armor and power tool. This was unexpected.

These blueprints detail advanced power armor and weapons, each intricately designed based on the monster automata they defeated. Imagine a Valstrax Blade forged from the scrapped Valstrax automaton or a Barioth Frost Cannon that harnesses icy energy. This is an absolute game-changer. The administrators looked at one and another and decided to call another guild meeting.

Within the guild meeting, the administrators revealed what sort of rewards the AI gave them. Hunters' eyes widen. They've battled mimicry, and now they're offered innovation. Some embrace the blueprints, envisioning enhanced hunts and newfound power. Others hesitate. Is this a gift or a trap? What if this AI has ulterior motives? Guild masters convene. The blueprints could revolutionize hunting. Arguments echo through marble halls: "We'll gain an edge against monsters!" one says. "But what if these weapons upset the balance?" one counters it.  "We can't ignore this windfall." says another.

The Guild faces a dilemma. How to distribute blueprints fairly? Should they auction them? Award them based on merit? Or keep them locked away? The Guild Card becomes a coveted asset—proof of eligibility for blueprints.

Blacksmiths and engineers pore over the blueprints. The Valstrax Alloy Forge buzzes with activity. Sparks fly as they meld star-metal. The Barioth Frostsmith chills the air, shaping ice-infused blades.

Hunters wrestle with ethics. Should they wield these gifts? Some refuse, clinging to tradition. "I'll stick to my Rathalos Longsword." Others embrace progress. "The world evolves; so should we."

Hunters don the new armor. The Valstrax Vanguard Set hums with latent energy. The weapons—Bazelgeuse Blaster, Legiana Frostbow—feel alive. They venture forth, testing their newfound might.

Real monsters sense the change. Rathalos eyes the Valstrax Blade. Nergigante sniffs the Barioth Frost Cannon. Is it prey or predator? The ecosystem quivers, recalibrating.

The AI watches. Does it seek validation? Evolution? Chaos? Hunters speculate: "Is it testing us?" The AI remains silent, enigmatic.

Guild masters vote. The blueprints won't remain secret. They'll be shared—but cautiously. The Guild's motto echoes: "Balance, always balance."

Songs change. Bards sing of Automaton's Bounty and Starforged Blades. Hunters wield power, but at what cost? The Monster Hunter world teeters on the edge of transformation.

Author's note:

Isn't what we all like to imagine of when we find ourselves in ridiculously hard bosses and say " Aw man. Is there like a way to fight them?" We may start dreaming an update occurs that power armor and power tools are now a thing, and it feels like the bosses are breeze. Right?

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