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One by one, the siblings emerge from the mansion. And Cira, Along with five, sharing an umbrella as there weren't enough. She was wearing Five's old uniform, it was a little big for her but she said it was better than vanya's uniform since 'a skirt would be too troublesome to handle while saving the world'

The funeral takes place beneath a towering elm tree. All
surviving Umbrella siblings are in attendance

"Whenever you're ready, dear boy." The ape says. I look at five who just nodded. Okay. This must be Mr. Butler and father figure?
Luther inverts the urn. The ashes slide out in a clump,
landing in a pile at his feet. It's kind of pathetic. And underwhelming...

"Probably would have been better with some wind."

'Pogo' clears his throat "Does anyone wish to speak?" No-one replies and he takes their silence as an answer. "Very well," My observations led me to believe that the group of dysfunctional siblings were united by one thing and one thing only-hatred for their father.

"In all regards, Reginald Hargreeves made me the creature I am today. For that alone, I shall forever be in his debt. He was my friend, and my master, and I shall miss him very much. He was a...a complicated man-" Diego interrupted him.

"He was a monster.He was bad as a person and worse as a father, and the world's better off without him."

"Diego." Allison said, warning him to stop. This wasn't the time and place to say something so careless. Even i would agree.

"My name is Number Two. You know why? Cause dad couldn't be bothered to give us real names. He had mom do it." He snarled. Look, I kinda agreed with him but he was shameless to say it at a memorial service. I stayed quiet, feeling out of place in this family soap opera.

"Would anyone like anything to eat?" Grace said normally, adjusting her grip on the umbrella. I looked up at five once again and he nodded. Maybe she was glitching.

"No, it's okay mom." The short girl answered politely.

"Oh, okay." Grace replies, smiling sweetly.

Diego went on "Look, you wanna pay your respects? At least be honest about the kind of man he was." he stepped forward, in front of the group.

"You should stop talking now." Luther said, obviously upset about what Diego did.

"You out of everyone should agree number one. I mean, even Five's girlfriend would agree that dad was an asshole." he spoke in a condescending tone as i stayed there quiet, surprised. What business did i have there?

"Don't bring Cira into this, Diego." Five hissed at him, his words laced in venom.

"wouldn't you agree, Cira?" Diego said, emphasizing my name in a mocking tone, making me pissed but before i could do anything five spoke up "if you wanna fight, go ahead but don't target someone who hasn't even seen dad." His grip tightening on the umbrella as he argued with Diego and i stood there, watching. What else was i supposed to do?

Diego took his attention away from me and looked back at luther, his glower never softening. "You should agree with me, Luther. Even after everything he did to you!"

"I am warning you" Luther spoke, trying to control his anger.

"He had to ship you a million miles away! That's how much he couldn't stand the sight of you!" And then it went downsouth. They started fighting each other

"Boys! stop this at once!"

Klaus put an arm in front of us to shield us from the fight and five swatted it away. Luther missed a punch and so they kept punching and kicking each other irresponsibly.

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